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Discussion on: CSS 3 VS Tailwind CSS

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Junior Hernandez • Edited

Let's start with @tw2113 comment, which in just two sentences summarized all the points made by the rest. Michael absolutely right, because in the end Tailwind is CSS underneath and you can write CSS without the need to use Tailwind.

So it is not reasonable to think that it is a potential replacement, because if SASS, SCSS, Less, PostCSS, CSS-in-JS or other techniques have not succeeded, I do not think that Tailwind is the exception.

Tailwind might later bring some feature to developers that becomes so popular that it ends up as part of CSS. So we see the variables ("var(--theclass)") that were taken from SASS and/or LESS. SASS and LESS became popular because they allowed you to write variables in which to store repetitive values, as well as the integration of functions, mixing, loops, and other features that made it easier to write CSS. By the way, those two consider themselves CSS extensions rather than replacements. 😉

A similar case happened with vanilla javascript and the arrival of "getSelector" and "getSelectorAll". Javascript didn't have element selectors as flexible as jQuery's ("$('...')"), which is why it became popular. It became so popular that many developers knew how to write jQuery pretty well but fail with vanilla javascript.

To close, CSS is defacto part of the browser. How can Tailwind (which generates CSS and is exogenous to it) replace something that is an integral part of the browser? 😄