For Day 03, I created a Create your own Adventure Game using conditional statements like if/else and nested ifs. Along the way, I had exercises like creating bmi calculator and a program that determines if the entered year is leap year or not.
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print("Welcome to Treasure Island.")
print("Your mission is to find the treasure.")
stage1 = input("You're at a crossroad.
Where do you want to go? Type \"left\" or \"right\"").lower()
if stage1 == "left":
stage2 = input("You've come to a lake. There is an
island in the middle of the lake. Type \"wait\"
to wait for a boat. Type \"swim\" to swim across.").lower()
if(stage2 == "wait"):
stage3 = input("""You arrive at the island unharmed.
There is a house with 3 doors. One red, one yellow
and one blue. Which colour do you choose?""").lower()
if(stage3 == "red"):
print("It's a room full of fire. Game Over.")
elif(stage3 == "yellow"):
print("You Win!")
elif(stage3 == "blue"):
print("You enter a room of beasts. Game Over.")
elif(stage2 == "swim"):
print("You get attacked by an angry trout. Game Over.")
print("You get attacked by an angry trout. Game Over.")
elif(stage1 == "right"):
print("You fell into a hole. Game Over.")
print("You fell into a hole. Game Over.")
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