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Kazuki Okamoto
Kazuki Okamoto

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Ephemeral Purely Functional Data Structure and Linear Type

The Japanese version is at はてなブログ.

Chapter 5.2 of “Purely Functional Data Structures” (PFDS) explains an ephemeral purely functional queue.

This queue has a constraint that you can operate just once for each value because of its computational complexity. For example, the first following operations are accepted, but the second may take a long time.

-- a good example
ops =
    q0 = empty
    q1 = enqueue 0 q0
    q2 = enqueue 1 q1
    Just (a, _) = dequeue q2
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-- a bad example
ops =
    q0 = empty
    q1 = enqueue 0 q0
    q2 = enqueue 1 q1
    q2' = enqueue 2 q1 -- q1 is used twice
    Just (a, _) = dequeue q2
    Just (b, _) = dequeue q2'
    (a, b)
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The theme of this article is that linear types can save this constraint.

Used versions


I implemented it with the continuation-passing style (CPS) because the GHC adopts linear arrows as linear types. For instance, empty has the following type.

empty :: (Queue a #-> b) #-> b
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Its continuation has Queue a #-> b type and so a value of Queue a type is used only once in this function.

I implemented others too. Please refer to the PFDS for these computational complexities.

{-# LANGUAGE LinearTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Strict #-}

data Queue a where
  Queue :: [a] -> [a] -> Queue a
  deriving (Show)

empty :: (Queue a #-> b) #-> b
empty k = k (Queue [] [])

null :: Queue a #-> ((Bool, Queue a) #-> b) #-> b
null (Queue l m) k = k (P.null l, Queue l m)

enqueue :: a -> Queue a #-> (Queue a #-> b) #-> b
enqueue a (Queue l m) k = k (check l (a:m))

dequeue :: Queue a #-> (Maybe (a, Queue a) #-> b) #-> b
dequeue (Queue (a:l) m) k = k (Just (a, check l m))
dequeue (Queue _ _) k = k Nothing

check :: [a] -> [a] -> Queue a
check [] m = Queue (reverse m) []
check l m = Queue l m
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The reason for using GADT is to implement functions like null. If not using GADT, the linearity was required for l and m of Queue l m recursively and so l cannot be used twice.

This implementation has one inconvenient stuff, that values of Queue a type cannot be removed, because linear types request exactly one use. They must get to be return values. Therefore I made Queue a be an instance of the Consumable type class of the Prelude.Linear module of the linear-base package.

instance Consumable a => Consumable (Queue a) where
  consume (Queue l m) = l `lseq` m `lseq` ()
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Now I will try to use this.

> import Prelude.Linear (lseq)
> import Data.Queue.Ephemeral
> empty (\q0 -> enqueue 0 q0 (\q1 -> dequeue q1 (\(Just (a, q2)) -> q2 `lseq` a))) :: Int
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… Ah, yeah, It can be used. It can just be used, it cannot be used comfortably.

Continuation monad

You can use “do” notation to write/read it easily because CPS functions are monad instances.

Now can linear CPS functions be linear monad instances? Let me try. … (three days after) They can be! The following type can be a linear monad instance. It was more difficult than I expected to type validly because I was not familiar with linear types.

newtype ContT r m a = ContT { runContT :: (a #-> m r) #-> m r }
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I will try to use it.

> :set -XQualifiedDo
> import Prelude.Linear (lseq)
> import qualified Prelude.Linear as PL
> import Data.Queue.Ephemeral
> import Control.Monad.Trans.Cont.Linear
> import qualified Control.Monad.Linear as ML
> :{
| PL.flip runCont $
|   q0 <- cont empty
|   q1 <- cont (enqueue (0 :: Int) q0)
|   Just (a, q2) <- cont (dequeue q1)
|   q2 `lseq` ML.pure a
| :}
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Meh, there is a loophole to escape from the constraint with pure.


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