
Cover image for What should we know about the Python Packages?
Kamil R Aliyev
Kamil R Aliyev

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What should we know about the Python Packages?

!!! note Package --- just a special type of module, it can contain other modules, even packages

>>> import urllib
>>> import urllib.request
>>> type(urllib)
<class 'module'>
>>> type(urllib.request)
<class 'module'>
  • urllib.request is nested in urllib
  • in this case: urllib is a package and urllib.request is a module
>>> urllib.__path__
>>> urllib.request.__path__
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: module 'urllib.request' has no attribute '__path__'

__path__ is attribu list of file system path indicating where urllib lives and searches to find nested modules

This is a nature of distinction of packages and modules:

  • packages are generally represented by directories.
  • modules represented by single files.

How python locates packages?

When we are asking python to load a package, it looks to your file sys. and loads corresponding code.
How python knows where to look?
The answer is python checks path attribute of the standard sys librariy

>>> sys.path
['', '/usr/lib/', '/usr/lib/python3.7', '/usr/lib/python3.7/lib-dynload', '/home/kamil/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages', '/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages', '/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages']

When we are asking python to import package it starts checking through the directories in sys.path.


>>> import sys
>>> sys.path
['', '/usr/lib/', '/usr/lib/python3.7', '/usr/lib/python3.7/lib-dynload', '/home/kamil/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages', '/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages', '/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages']

It can be even bigger, it depends on how and how many third party packages we are installed.

>>> sys.path[0]
'' #It is empty when we run python without argument $python3

!!! note sys.path[0] --- instructs python to first look in the current directory


Environment variable listing path added to the sys.path

Format of PYTHONPATH is the PATH variable of your system:

  • Windows: it is a semicolon seperated list of directories
  • Linux and MacOS: it is a colon(:) seperated list of directories
$ export PYTHONPATH=not_searched 
$ python3
>>> import sys
>>> [ p in sys.path if not_searched in p]
[path to not_searched]

Basic Package Usage

How are the packages implemented?

To create a normal package, you simply creating normal python source file and make sure that it is on sys.path.

sys.path/mypackage(your package dir)/

!!! note __init__ file is often called package init file, is what makes the package a module.

Let's go the our project directory:

  • mkdir reader --- make a directory
  • touch reader/ --- initialize module
  • python3 --- open REPL
  • import reader As we expected it will import it as module
>>> import reader
>>> type(reader)
<class 'module'>
>>> reader.__file__

Lets create our module named in our reader package

  • touch
  • add the code below to
  class Reader:

    def __init__(self, filename):
      self.filename = filename
      self.f = open(filename, "rt")

    def read(self):

    def close(self):
      return self.f.close()
  • run REPL:
>>> from reader.reader import Reader
>>> Reader("reader/")
<reader.reader.Reader object at 0x7fe18e924ed0>
>>> ra = Reader("reader/")
<bound method of <reader.reader.Reader object at 0x7fe18e92b1d0>>
"class Reader:\n    def __init__(self,filename):\n        self.filename = filename\n        self.f = open(self.filename, 'rt')\n    \n    def close(self):\n        return self.f.close()\n\n    def read(self):\n        return"
>>> ra.close()
  • in order to get rid of second reader in our import
    in init file:

      from reader import Reader
    • That's all.
    • Packages are Modules that contains other modules.
    • Packages are generally implemented as directories containing a special file
    • The file is executed when the package is imported
    • Packages contain sub packages which themselves are implemented wit files in directories.

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