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Ankit Karody
Ankit Karody

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NodeJS vs. Golang in 2022

The two main options for setting up your backend in 2022 are NodeJS and GoLang.

A backend retrieves data so a frontend framework — like a website or a Mobile App can display it.

Scalability, performance, and ease of development are of utmost concern when choosing a development framework.


NodeJS was developed to make it easy for developers comfortable with Javascript. This enabled Javascript to run on a standalone machine, not just the browser.

It is a runtime environment developed in C that runs javascript code. With NodeJS, both your frontend and backend are written in the same language, Javascript.

This gives uniformity of development. NodeJS has been developed tremendously over the years since its launch in 2009.

NodeJS has the same concepts of objects(JSON), functions, syntax, and try-catch elements as Javascript with added features to make it support a backend server.

You can find 100’s of community packages that can help you easily write backend features like CORS, MongoDB manager, SQL managers, etc.

NodeJS has the full capability for what you will need in 2022 — from web3.0 to authentication!


Golang is a programming language that, unlike NodeJS, a runtime framework, is a language that compiles its binaries.

Golang was developed to make an easier and more efficient backend server language compared to its competitors, such as Java, C/C++, etc.

It added the flexibility and simplicity that the other general-purpose languages lacked in the context of a backend framework.

The purpose of Golang is to be fast, efficient, and scalable, making it a popular choice in compute-heavy circumstances.
It is a rigid, dependable language that benefits from a large community base of libraries.

Ease of Development

Both NodeJS and Golang were developed with ease of development in mind. But ease of development is instead a subjective issue than an objective one. Depending on your background, you may find one easier than the other.

For most fronted developers who are very familiar with Javascript and its concepts, learning and mastering NodeJS will not be an uphill task. It would be similar to learning any other library in Javascript.

However, if you do not have prior Javascript experience, it can be difficult, and at that point, Golang might seem like the easier option.

With its direct single-purpose origin, Golang makes it very easy to learn. It is very intuitional, with all the HTTP request/response logic embedded in its structure.


Regarding the backend, the key performance indicator is your data throughput every second time. Every time someone hits your API target, you must be able to respond quickly, thus reducing your response time.

You must also be able to handle a large no. of requests at a given second if the scale of your project is significant. Golang and NodeJS offer very good performance values in your options list for 2022.

Golang natively supports Multi-threading (concurrency), so unlike NodeJS, a single-threaded language, you can parallelize tasks and use all the CPU power available.
This gives Golang the superior edge when it comes to tackling scale.
But you need not worry as NodeJS, with its Javascript Asynchronous abilities, you can run processes in the background, making it seem like a multi-threaded language.

In 2013, when PayPal switched its backend from Java to NodeJS, it saw a 35% decrease in response time. When it comes to Web development, both languages have you covered for optimal response times.

Golang is statically typed, so it performs better far better during building and compiling. NodeJS, being dynamically typed, has a much slower time to compile. This is an important point to note if your build times are crucial.

Cost and Salaries

When discussing any topic in Programming, the cost is always a discussable factor. Depending on whether you’re a developer working for a company or hiring developers, your outlook may be different.

On a general basis, Golang developers are hard to come by and thus generally get paid more than NodeJS developers.
How much is the difference, you may ask? — The average salary of a Golang developer is $123 000 compared to $100,000 for NodeJS developers in the United States.

For a career option, it is best that you learn both, but according to today’s market, Golang seems the better option due to its low supply and high demand.

NodeJS also has a promising future and only falls short because it is considered an extension to frontend development. The median of a react developer makes $82,000.

Community and Support

Launched in 2009, Both Go and NodeJS have matured with superb community backing, which has always been concurrent and growing.

Golang was developed by developers at google, thus acquiring legitimacy in the space, while NodeJS is based on the ever-popular browser language Javascript.

NodeJS has a very broad usage, making its community very large. You can find packages of all sorts when using NodeJS. Most of the newer projects that delve into Web3 and Machine-Learning always have a NodeJS solution.

You can also find hundreds of hosting providers for NodeJS with different plans to suit your needs.

Golang has a decently sized and growing community, but it is nowhere near the degree NodeJS.

You may have to determine if certain community resources are available when using Golang, but you need not worry as most main concepts are there. Go is yet to reach its full potential, so there is enough room to grow.

  • Companies currently using NodeJS — Medium, Uber, and PayPal.
  • Companies currently using Golang — LinkedIn, Netflix, eBay, and Trello.

Final Thoughts

This article dives deep into the major differences between Go and NodeJS. Your decision to choose the option depends on what you need.

If performance and build are essential, then Go is the obvious choice.

But if the rate of development and ease is necessary, NodeJS, with its excellent support and community, can propel you to success. That is why many product-led companies prefer NodeJS.

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