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Katherine Kelly
Katherine Kelly

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JavaScript .flatMap()

In my previous post, I wrote about Celebrating JavaScript .flat() and how to flatten arrays, giving a lot of love to flat(). I naturally wanted to follow it up with a post about flatMap() and look at how it works and what it does.


The flatMap() method is a super merger of flat() and map().

Although based on the order of operations maybe it should be called mapFlat() 🤔.

flatMap() goes through each element using a mapping function first before the returned result is flattened into a new array of depth one. It's just like using map() followed by flat() with a depth of 1, but is slightly more efficient (an excellent 2-for-1 method).

As flatMap() only flattens 1 level, if you need to flatten beyond 1 level, you can separately call map() then flat() on your array.


arr.flatMap(function callback(currentValue[, index[, array]]) {
  // do work and return element for newArray

The callback function for flatMap() takes three arguments:

  • currentValue: the current element being processed
  • index (optional): the index of the currentValue
  • array (optional): the array map() was called upon
const arr = ['take me out', '', 'to the ball', 'game'];
arr.flatMap(a => a.split(' ')); 
// ["take", "me", "out", "", "to", "the", "ball", "game"]

Using flatMap() is useful when you want to add and remove items during a map(), as it can map many to many items by handling each input item separately, versus map() itself that is always one-to-one. This means the resulting array can grow during the mapping, and it will be flattened afterward.

MDN web docs has a great example below that highlights how flatMap() works to add and remove elements.

// Let's say we want to remove all the negative numbers and
// split the odd numbers into an even number and a 1
let a = [5, 4,    -3, 20,  17,  -33, -4, 18]
//       |\  \     x   |   | \   x    x   |
//      *[4,1, 4, [], 20, 16, 1, [], [],  18]  
// *this line helps to visualize what the array will look 
// like during mapping, with negative numbers represented as empty [] 

a.flatMap( (n) =>
  (n < 0) ?      [] :
  (n % 2 == 0) ? [n] :
                 [n-1, 1]
// [4, 1, 4, 20, 16, 1, 18]

flatMap() is yet another useful addition to the JavaScript Array toolbox and I’ll be using this when I need to going forward. Happy coding!


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