DEV Community

Kenny Whyte
Kenny Whyte

Posted on

Oh, the dilemma! Should you learn React or Angular or Vue or “Another framework”.js

What framework or library is best to learn first? Is it React.js or Angular or Vue.js or "who the hell knows”.js. or should you know all of them?

On your software journey, I am sure you will see this debate several times on the internet. If you are new to software development, this question can be very overwhelming. To make matters more complicated, there are many strongly opinionated developers who will quickly tell you why the framework you finally picked was wrong and not worth your time.

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If you can identify with this dilemma, just close your eyes and take a deep breath. Just know that you are not the only Developer stuck in this quagmire. Heck, I was in your shoes a few months ago. I was constantly chasing the new and shiny thing, just to have it fizzle in popularity in a few months. Then I was back at square one. It was frustrating and I also discovered that it was the perfect formula to fail.

How did I turn things around? Well, in retrospect, it was obvious but it is hard to see when my mind was clouded. I’ve discovered that there is more to my Developer life than always looking for the next BIG thing to learn. There will always be something new. The truth is that almost all of these new frameworks are built on the software fundamentals that have been around for over 30 years. If you take a deeper look at the Gang of Four (GOF) book and other design patterns, you may notice that these are the foundation of most of these new fancy frameworks.

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Let's sum it all up...
Stop chasing those new items and just focus on the old, dusty, tried and true software development fundamentals. Make sure that you understand vanilla JavaScript, this will be the core language of most of these frameworks. Then, pick a framework to play around (React, Angular, Vue or something else), and see if you can identify the fundamental patterns. There is always going to be a new kid on the block so focus on the core ideas. Oh, and remember to have FUN.

Kenny out!

Oldest comments (4)

conermurphy profile image
Coner Murphy

I agree so much. As a Dev still learning alot of JS, I initially fell prey to the shininess of React, Vue and all of the other frameworks. But, the problem is I don't necessarily understand the core concepts behind how they work and what they do and instead rely heavily on the 'magic' they do for us.

I say, learn vanilla JS, understand the concepts and how it all relates to eachother before moving to frameworks. Because, ultimately frameworks can change, and even disappear over night but if you learn core JS that won't matter you just move to the next framework.

So while it's more cumbersome, tiring and less short term game. Long term you're winning. 👍

kawhyte profile image
Kenny Whyte

I agree. I made the HUGE mistake to skip learning vanilla JS and jumped into Angular, then the 'magic' got me confused when I was getting errors that I couldn't figure out. Things got a lot better when I stopped...then started over from scratch with just JS.

conermurphy profile image
Coner Murphy

That's the current process I'm going through. I've found I can build stuff in ReactJS because I understand how to use it's framework specific language. But, now I'm looking at expressJS I'm lost again. So back to basics it is.

zenulabidin profile image
Ali Sherief

As long as it works with Github Pages, then I'm good. 😁