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React Native: Lessons Learned

K on May 14, 2017

This month I started a mobile app project. Why? I'm a Web developer since 2006 and avoided getting involved in this whole "native app development" ...
toyeebgodo profile image
Toyeeb Godo

Thank you so much for sharing your experience, it has been life-changing from the point of view that your hard-won insights will probably save my partner and I tens of hours of learning and development time. I just started with CRNA two days ago and your piece has provided a much needed course correction.

kayis profile image

Makes me really happy to read this :)

dikaiosune profile image
Adam Perry

This experience report is super useful, thanks so much! Sorry you ran into problems with ejecting and CRNA, I created a GitHub issue for the vector icons issue. The code for setting up the plists in the eject process comes from the react-native-cli tool that's part of RN, but I'd be very happy to file an issue upstream and try to resolve it if you have more details about what exactly was broken when creating the iOS project.

Totally agree that fastlane is awesome, a lot of our build service is powered by those tools.

mescalito profile image

what is the difference between CRNA and Expo? which one should I use?

dikaiosune profile image
Adam Perry

CRNA uses Expo under the hood, but it's faster to get started with, doesn't need a user account, and doesn't rely on any of Expo's backend services.

adrian09h profile image
Adrian Rusin

Thank you so much for sharing your experience.
I started to learn React native yesterday. CRNA and Building project from native code made me confusing where to go.
Now it's clear for me where to go and how to go.

Thanks again.

kayis profile image

You are welcome :)

batusai513 profile image
Richard Roncancio

Hi, nice article you have written, kudos.

Have you written about beta testing and automation react native apps, that would be awesome.

kayis profile image

I didn't test with many users at the moment so I don't need automation.

Currently I'm createing two apps, both iOS, and just distribute them via Expo or OTA (

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

I got into React Native early on and then moved on to some other stuff. It's great to see how far the tooling and bridges have come since early on.

kayis profile image

They are far from perfect, but I found all I needed and got working rather fast. At the moment I'm happy, but I'll wait praising RN till I got the app in the store and happy customers :D

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

I really think React Native has the right idea and I'd definitely bet on it. Unless something comes along that's way better, RN should win the tooling game soon enough. Too many benefits of the web-dev style of working.

danni40 profile image
Dannielle Lewis

Aspiring developer. Good info to know prior to putting in work.

mahbbrah profile image
Mahbub R

Some day's ago I tried CRNA and afterward, I tried to build my CRNA project with Expo it gives me a big size of APK which is for android. I felt really bad for that... it's immature just.

kayis profile image

Yes, it's rather big, but I read that the file created is much bigger than the file the users download from the app/play store later.

w10036w profile image
Ark Sun

happy to see this after 2 days starting RN and struggling with Expo & Eject. Lovely.

kayis profile image

Hehe, yes it's a struggle.

I try to avoid ejecting as long as possible and since Expo gets new native module every release it's getting easier :)