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Kay Kleinvogel
Kay Kleinvogel

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My top 5 resources to learn web development.

This article originally comes from my blog. There I write about the basics of coding and the challenges I face working in tech while completing my CS degree.

Learning how to code can be a daunting task. I started learning web development about 2 years ago. In this list, I want to show you the top resources that helped me learn web development by myself.

Learning by doing


FreeCodeCamp is one of the most known online resources for learning to code. It is completely free and has different courses with thousands of hours of content.
The different programs include:

  • web development
  • data visualization,
  • information security and quality assurance,
  • coding interview preparation.

In FreeCodeCamp you work on different projects. They have just the right scope and complexity that you can actually handle them while learning something new. FreeCodeCamp also has a great community and a YouTube channel with comprehensive video tutorials.


CodeCademy is the second website with interactive tutorials. They are free to use and have a lot of courses ranging from web development to PHP or Python. Although they have a pro subscription, basic courses like web development are completely free.

video-based learning


If you want to have a complete university curriculum - edX is the right fit for you. It has university courses from many universities around the world. The list also includes famous universities like MIT or Harvard University. The courses are completely free to audit although you have to pay a fee if you want to have an official certificate. edX also has one of the most famous online CS courses ever – CS50 by Harvard University. It is one of the most comprehensive computer science courses out there and probably my favorite course. Even though it's not a specific web development course I can still recommend it. It teaches the basics of computer science and the basic principles of software development.


You're probably already using this platform quite often. But this black hole of attention can also be used as an educational platform. YouTubers are putting out quality content which can help you learn web development. Here are my favorite YouTube Channels that helped me learning web development.

The broad range of content makes YouTube one of the most versatile sources of information. One of the main advantages in comparison to a blog post, for example, is the video part since it allows you to actually see what the instructor is doing.

text-based learning

Mozilla Developer Network (MDN)

Do you want to look up something? Use the Mozilla Developer Network. This website contains everything you need to know about web development. It has guidelines, tutorials as well as comprehensive documentation. There you can read about everything related to development. The tutorials are nicely structured to help you get started. If you'd consider everything this site does it is definitely worth a bookmark in your browser.

I hope this list gives you a starting point for your web development journey. However, you should remind yourself to focus on the core concepts while learning web development. Programming isn't about remembering chunks of code but rather about problem-solving. The core concepts will allow you to move from one language to another without restrictions which makes you a better developer. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. Also if you have other resources that are helping you to learn web development also contact me. This allows me to keep this list updated.

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