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Cover image for Prettier — a pretty good beautifier / auto-formatter for JavaScript and HTML
Kenneth Lum
Kenneth Lum

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Prettier — a pretty good beautifier / auto-formatter for JavaScript and HTML

A good code auto-formatter, auto-indenter that Academind and Maximilian Schwarzmüller recommended was Beutifier on Visual Studio Code. It has the logo as on the cover image of this post.

The major use for me so far is with .js files and .html files that has <style> and <script> content in it. So far I tried, it has done a pretty good job of formatting everything. It says on the installation page it is good for .jsx and .json files as well. It has 11 million downloads by users of VSC, so it is quite a popular choice. If you know of better options, please do leave it in the comment section.

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