DEV Community

Freelancing big projects - 9 key takeaways from my failure that you can learn from

kethmars on September 05, 2019

I love creating. Whether it’s a nicely cooked dinner for friends or a design for my next “I’m gonna change the world” project. Fortunately, I've be...
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I think it's amazing that you've not gotten any feedback on this article yet -- wow, you've come up with both great advice while being incredibly honest and brave to talk about a setback. I think most of us have been burned by projects that we realise are poorly scoped. If you've not heard of them already, I recommend joining the email lists of folks like Paul Jarvis and Johnathan Stark

They give great advice and food for thought in their podcasts, great for freelancers

kethmars profile image

Thank you for your kind words! I will definitely check out your recommendations!