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SOLID - The Simple Way To Understand

Kevin Toshihiro Uehara on May 01, 2024

Hi there!!! How have you been doing? Are you all right? I hope so! Today I'm going to talk about a theme that's everyone talks or write about. But...
yannschepens profile image

Hi, thank you for the article and the effort to explain complicated concept.
To complete your article, there is another way to interpret the Single Responsability (which extends your explanation). "One class must change for only one reason". For exemple (pseudocode)

class Client {
    String id;
    String password;
    String name;
    String address;
    String lastCommand;
    String firstConnection;
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You should split it in two classes, because actually your class manage two concepts : The user account on the platform (with connexion, password, etc.) and the client who have commands on the platform (with list of commands, address, all related to commands). Even if there are some duplicated information, there are two different thing:

class User {
    String id;
    String password;
    String firstConnection;

class Client {
    String id;
    String name;
    String address;
    String lastCommand;
    String firstConnection;
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For the LSP, which is really complicated, I totally agree with you, it's very complicated to explain. Your explanation miss an important concept reading "A child class must replaced parent class without break the program". We can understand this rules this way "Child class must not be more restrictive than a parent class" or "A child class must accept all the parent class can do (method signature and returns)". For exemple :

interface User{}
class Client implements User{}
class Admin implements User{}

class MessageSender {
    sendMessageToUser(User u) {}

class NiceMessageSender extends MessageSender {
    sendMessageToUser(User u) {
        if (u instanceof Admin) {
            thrown new Exception("Could not send nice message to admin");
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If you do that the program could be broken.

Any way, thank you for your explanation this was just to complete your explanation.

jon117 profile image

I really appreciate that you're posting and making the information accessible, but this is painful to read. The ideas here are laid out well, but I can't ignore how terrible the language use is and I had to ask GPT to make it readable for me.

Please use a tool such as Grammarly or any number of AI tools to help write clear and understandable English.

I don't mean to discourage you, in fact, I think you're doing a great job. Half the battle is showing up, and you're already here and making the posts. Using those tools can help you to improve your writing skills by taking their corrections into consideration. It's how I continue to improve my own writing.

jangelodev profile image
João Angelo

Hi Kevin Toshihiro Uehara,
Your tips are very useful
Thanks for sharing

alexlevn profile image
Alex Lee

the tips is so cool.
but .. a lot of spelling errors. (my english is not so good)

devh0us3 profile image
Alex P

And don't forget about principles:

  • DRY – do not repeat yourself
  • WET – write everything twice

Sometimes they are very important too 👍

wahidnabi_70 profile image

Really great article, simple and understandable.

clipso profile image

Good job @kevin-uehara . amazing explanation :)

w0lf46 profile image
Lucas Palhano


gabrielsimas profile image
Gabriel Simas

Hi Kevin.
Another BrazDev here!

I've fascinating with your courage in writing a article in plain english!

Thanks for encouraging me as well!

hectorlaris profile image
Héctor Serrano

Tks Kevin.
The difficult thing is to be simple!

akashj2342 profile image

Great article.
Easy to understand!

msindev profile image
Mohit Singh

The examples make the concepts very easy to understand.

messinger profile image
Antonio Martínez

The best explanation of this, to share with my partner's team. Thank you!!! :')

masteing_the_code profile image
Joel Jose

Nice one. Its so easy to understand.

ahmedalmogy profile image

neat explain ,thank you , waiting for more articles such that .

kishan_vp_66a386dcc65935 profile image
Kishan V P

Thank you for all great posts !

ibrito profile image

Thank you for simplifying the understanding of SOLID principles.

knight03 profile image
Dhvani • Edited

Thank you for writing this but its little bit confusing.
This is more easy to understand i guess (self promotion obv)

The Ultimate Guide to SOLID, BASE, and ACID Principles: Simplified for Real-World Understanding

syedgaian profile image

very helpful

decker67 profile image

And with using JavaScript and simple Objects you can do this a lot easier. No need for classes and inheritance and the like.

sdotpython profile image

The explanation was nice, easy to understand

agentunicorn profile image

Such a great article and easy-to-understand explanation. Thanks for sharing!

meharsuleiman profile image
mehar sulaiman

Love to read

amarkezic profile image
Aljaž Markežič

In your example LSP and ISP are very similar. Maybe a section going more in deep about the difference would be nice. But all in all very nice article.

Thank you

krif profile image
Cristian Fernando Dávila López

Thanks for the article.

However, I have a question. In the last principle (DIP), is not a better idea to use an Interface OrderRepository instead a class?

lombervid profile image

In fact, afaik, that's what "depend on abstractions" actually means. You should depend on abstractions (interfaces, abstract classes) rather than a concrete implementation (a class).

What they explained I would say is more like Dependency Injection.

beryozavv profile image

Yes. The DIP principle hasn't a correct example and hasn't a correct explanation here

stefano_barzaghi_6db3fa59 profile image
Stefano Barzaghi

Thanks for the post.
I don't reckon the example for LSP is correct. It regards only the proper use of inheritance but doesn't explain what the principle states.