Things i keep getting wrong part n+1
when you are developing your elements and contexts for the new Umbraco backend - visual studio code is very good at auto inserting all the import statements for you.
import { UmbModalBaseElement, UmbModalToken } from "@umbraco-cms/backoffice/modal";
import { html } from "lit";
import { customElement } from "lit/decorators.js";
the vite process then does a good job of working out what needs to be included in your js files.
but Umbraco already has the lit library as an external reference.
if you swap out your lit
library references out for umbraco ones.
import { UmbModalBaseElement, UmbModalToken } from "@umbraco-cms/backoffice/modal";
import { html, customElement } from "@umbraco-cms/backoffice/external/lit";
It's not a lot but if you do this then your compiled javascript will smaller as it won't need to include any lit methods you've used as they will be in the umbraco libraries.
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