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Khanh Do Viet
Khanh Do Viet

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Web Component


Web development has evolved significantly, and one of the innovations that’s gaining popularity is Web Components. If you’re building reusable, encapsulated elements for web pages or apps, web components can be your best friend. Let’s take a closer look at what they are and why they’re important.

What are Web Components?

Web Components are a set of standards that allow developers to create reusable, custom HTML elements with their own functionality, completely independent of the rest of the codebase. They consist of three main technologies:

  • Custom Elements: Allows developers to define their own elements, complete with behavior.

  • Shadow DOM: Ensures encapsulation by attaching a separate DOM tree to elements.

  • HTML Templates: Provides a way to define reusable markup structures.

These features ensure that web components are both modular and portable, making it easier to manage large-scale projects or create UI elements that can be reused across different applications.

1.Custom Elements

Custom Elements allow you to define your own HTML tags. This means you can create entirely new elements that behave however you want, like in our example.

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In this example, we create a new element called , which displays "Hello, from a Custom Element!" when used in HTML.

2. Shadow DOM

Shadow DOM allows you to attach a separate DOM tree to your element, which is isolated from the main DOM. This ensures that your component’s internal HTML and CSS won’t affect the rest of the page.

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Here, the paragraph inside the shadow DOM is not accessible from the main document's DOM, and its styles won't affect any other parts of the page.

3.HTML Templates

HTML templates allow you to define chunks of HTML that won’t render immediately. Instead, they can be cloned and used inside your custom element when needed, ensuring that the component stays flexible and modular.
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In this case, we are using the element to store the HTML and styles. The template is cloned and inserted into the shadow DOM of the custom element when the component is initialized.

Benefits of Web Components

Web Components come with a host of benefits for developers and teams, including:

  • Reusability: You can create components that can be used across different projects or even shared with other developers.

  • Encapsulation: The component's internal styling and logic are protected from the outside environment, ensuring there are no conflicts with the rest of the code.

  • Compatibility: Modern browsers support web components, and frameworks like Angular, React, and Vue can easily integrate them.


Web Components allow you to create reusable, maintainable, and encapsulated UI elements that can be integrated into any web project, regardless of the framework. Whether you're building a complex web application or just a small website, web components can be an essential tool in your development arsenal.Thank you for reading this article.

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