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Get a head start with your new app: CRA custom templates

Create React App (CRA) already increases the speed of getting a new React app up and running. You run one script and it creates a functioning React app that you can start working on. With Custom Templates things have become even easier. In this post, we're going to discover what goes into creating a custom template.

Custom templates became available with react-scripts@3.3.0. They make it possible to predefine exactly what you want CRA's output to be. For example, maybe you want a few basic components ready, have some dependencies or scripts pre-installed in your package.json or add some config files for ESlint or Prettier.

CRA Templates dissected

Templates are nothing more than npm packages exporting specific configuration options for CRA + an example of what the generated app should look like.

I'm going to dive a little deeper into the example from CRA's documentation.

When we look at the folder structure of a custom template, it looks something like this:

├── // the readme of the custom template package itself
├── template.json // more on this file later
├── package.json // the package.json for the custom template package itself
└── template //more on this folder later
    ├── gitignore 
    └── public
       └── index.html
    └── src
       └── index.js (or index.tsx)
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The my-cra-template folder contains a, template.json and package.json. These all belong specifically to the CRA template package that you are trying to make. The contains info about the package and the package.json has package info for npm. You can put whatever you want in your package.json, just make sure your package's name starts with cra-template-....

What creates the template

The template.json file and the template folder are the pieces that actually tell CRA what to generate:

The template.json file is the place where we define the following:

  • Dependencies - the dependencies you want CRA to install in any new app.
  • Scripts - any scripts that you want CRA to put in the package.json file of any new app it creates with this template.

For now, it is not yet possible to add any devDependencies to the template. To make it easy for the user to add those, you can always specify them inside your package's readme so they can copy and paste it quickly.

The template folder essentially holds an example of how you want the generated app to look like. An easy way to create it is by creating a new app with CRA, modify it exactly the way you like. You could add some configuration files (like .eslintrc for example) or specify a folder structure with files. Then copy it into the templates and inside that folder:

  • turn .gitignore into gitignore
  • remove the package.json and lockfile
  • customize how you would like the generated app's to look like.

Make sure you at least have the minimum files inside your templates folder that the CRA documentation specifies.

Like mentioned above; CRA has two default templates that you can look into to understand how it works:

And that's it! If you want to see how other people did this, check out all the available packages on npm.

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