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Kiara Robbins
Kiara Robbins

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How Blockchain Technology is Elevating Small Businesses?

Blockchain development for small businesses

Starting its advent from Bitcoin- a public transaction ledger- Blockchain technology has come a long way since its inception. Due to features such as security and transparency- Blockchain technology can be applied to every sector. Start-ups, small businesses, and large businesses are all jumping on board to enjoy the benefits of this innovative technology.

According to a report by CNBC, “84 percent of the companies are trying their luck with the Blockchain technology.” Due to this upsurge in number, several new opportunities are budding in the Blockchain market.

With such a great demand for this emerging technology, every organization wants to ride on the Blockchain bandwagon. So, let’s dig into what Blockchain technology truly is!

Blockchain technology- A Glimpse

Blockchain Technology in simple words Blockchain- is an independent database of verified information. Consider Blockchain as an incredibly large spreadsheet of data. There are numerous copies of this spreadsheet on thousands of computers, known as nodes. These nodes then combine to form a chain.

Improved Security

Blockchain technology is fundamentally decentralized, which means that a single entity does not control data. Instead, data is distributed and stored in different computers around the world, making the data intangible. The authentication process behind Blockchain technology is very advanced, providing us with impressive security benefits.

Improved transparency

In addition to increased security, Blockchain technology also leads to more transparency. The Blockchain serves as an open and public ledger, and it is innately transparent. Each transaction of the Blockchain technology is publicly recorded and documented. Blockchain technology can be applied to various verticals such as cloud storage and supply chain management.

How does Blockchain help to upsurge small business?

When talking about Blockchain technology, the possibilities for its application are endless.

Here are a few ways you could use Blockchain technology to run your small business operations smoothly.

1. Cloud storage

Cloud storage solutions such as Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, and Oracle Cloud, are the common cloud storage solutions for every organization. But these platforms are expensive and provide limited security and transparency- making way for new and innovative cloud solutions provided by Blockchain technology.
Small business owners are skeptical of the centralized cloud platforms, and Enterprise Blockchain technology assures that small business owners get the complete benefits of secure systems at a reasonable price than other centralized options.

2. Enforcing Smart Contracts

Every organization needs contracts at one point or another to evade financial organization’s regulations for transactions. Smart contracts- or self-executing contracts by Blockchain technology permit the avoidance of third parties such as lawyers. This factor is most appealing to small businesses due to their restricted capital costs.

Smart contracts have gained more popularity among small businesses looking to alleviate the burdens of contracts.

3. Networking and IoT solutions

The IoT market is expected to top $2.48 trillion in revenue by the year 2022. IoT has created great hype among all software development companies, which eventually also paved the way for
Blockchain app development.

Blockchain has enabled smart devices to become self-governing agents, and autonomously conduct a variety of transactions. When Blockchain would be integrated into the IoT devices, they would be able to communicate with each other to manage software updates, and bugs, and also manage energy.

4. Supply chain management

This is one of the most adept applications of Blockchain technology in various industries. A Blockchain in supply chain means more transparency and trust in supply chain management. In addition to these benefits, Blockchain also helps in reduced fraud, improved inventory management, and reduction in delays.


In a nutshell, from cloud storage to varied payment methods, Blockchain technology has provided a necessary boost to small businesses. The benefits mentioned above can help the Blockchain industry to increase security and transparency across the board, and simultaneously decrease financial costs and other associated risks.

If you are also looking to invest in Blockchain technology, Debut Infotech is the right Blockchain Development companyfor you. Our dedicated team of experienced Blockchain Software developers provides you with advanced business solutions.

Get a free consultation now.

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