In this article, I will share my experience in creating documentation for a project at the company I work for, X-Team (https://x-team.com/).
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Great article, thanks for the tips. One thing I'm a bit skeptical of though is mixing project docs, user manual and code docs. I agree that in some cases including probably yours this is viable, but I think in most cases this would be a hassle because you'd have to read/scroll/search through a lot of irrelevant content that you might not even understand. Other than that, solid tips and thanks for the article!
Altho all this sounds so obvious, it's often forgotten and done in a strange manner. Great read 👏🏼
One question - do you think that the pause in development was necessary? Could this have been done in parallel with feature development?
Great questions. I am looking forward to see them answered
In our case, we also underwent a restructuring, so we went through a more "quiet" period where we were mainly focused on stabilizing our system (no new features). This resulted in very few tasks, and in our situation, my team consists of only two people, which sometimes made the deadlines a bit challenging to meet given the numerous pending features, bugs, etc... It turned out to be the perfect time to make progress on that, but now we will continue to update the documentation in parallel.
I don't believe it's imperative to halt all activities for construction. However, this decision hinges on the demand and team size. Realistically, when projects demand attention to numerous tasks, Product Owners seldom grant the flexibility to allocate time specifically for documentation work during the week, cause there are a bunch of another urgent things before that... Regrettably, it must be acknowledged that everything hinges on the scenario; dependencies seem to be an inevitable part of the equation hehe
I get it, thanks 🙏🏼
In Productive, we are also working a lot on documentation as we figured out that we have a lot of 'debt' in that field.
Currently, we are working on it in parallel where we both cover the new features we are working on and we write the missing pieces. For us, this was a good approach.
Great content, congratulations!
Awesome article 🔥
Nice, clear and objective 👏👏👏
Artigo muito bom 👏
Gostei do template. Vc que fez? Ou usou alguma ferramenta pronta pra criar?
Utilizamos o CODA como nossa ferramenta principal, e, se o que entendi como template for o que penso que é, então sim, fui eu quem criei :3
What are your thoughts on Documentation-as-Code, AsciiDoctor, and Antora?
Great info, thanks for sharing!
Great content, Laura!
Great article!