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How to keep the type of storage value unchanged?

Hello, everyone! In September last year, I created a new repository called proxy-web-storage which has over 200 stars now. It can helps some developers manage storage more easily, so I want to share it with you. If you think this repository is useful and deserves more attention, please click a star to support it. I'll introduce it below, so let's get started.

What can proxy-web-storage do?

proxy-web-storage reflects every change of the storage through the Proxy.

The Proxy object enables you to create a proxy for another object, which can intercept and redefine fundamental operations for that object.

1. Keep the type of storage value unchanged.

import { local } from 'proxy-web-storage';

local.test = 'Hello proxy-web-storage'; // works
delete local.test; // works

// number
local.test = 0;
local.test === 0; // true

// boolean
local.test = false;
local.test === false; // true

// undefined
local.test = undefined;
local.test === undefined; // true

// null
local.test = null;
local.test === null; // true

// object
local.test = { hello: 'world' };
local.test.hello = 'proxy-web-storage'; // works

// array
local.test = ['hello'];
local.test.push('proxy-web-storage'); // works
local.test.length // 2

// Date
local.test = new Date('2000-01-01T00:00:00.000Z');
local.test.getTime() === 946684800000; // true

// RegExp
local.test = /d(b+)d/g;
local.test.test("cdbbdbsbz"); // true

// function
local.test = function() {
  return 'Hello proxy-web-storage!';
local.test() === 'Hello proxy-web-storage!'; // true
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The local corresponds to localStorage, and the same is true for session. They have the same methods and properties: key(), getItem(), setItem(), removeItem(), clear() and length.

2. Listen to the changes.

import { local } from 'proxy-web-storage';

local.on('test', function(newVal, oldVal) {
  console.log('test', newVal, oldVal);
local.on('test.a', function(newVal, oldVal) {
  console.log('test.a', newVal, oldVal);

local.test = {};
// test {} undefined

local.test.a = 1;
// test.a 1 undefined
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It can also listens to changes triggered by other tabs.


Subscribe to an item.

  • key: the name of the item to subscribe to. Support obj.a for Object and list[0] for Array, and also Array length.
  • callback: the function to call when the item is changed. Includes newValue and oldValue.


Subscribe to an item only once.

  • key: the name of the item to subscribe to. Support obj.a for Object and list[0] for Array.
  • callback: the function to call when the item is changed. Includes newValue and oldValue.


Unsubscribe from an item or all items.

  • key(optional): the name of the item to unsubscribe from. If no key is provided, it unsubscribes you from all items.
  • callback(optional): the function used when binding to the item. If no callback is provided, it unsubscribes you from all functions binding to the item.

3. Set expires for items.

import { local } from 'proxy-web-storage';

local.test = 'hello proxy-web-storage';
local.setExpires('test', + 10000);

// within 10's
local.test // 'hello proxy-web-storage'

// after 10's
local.test // undefined
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The expires is saved to localStorage. So page refresh or close will not affect its expiration. Within 10's, the value still exists. But after 10's, it has been removed.


set expires for an item.

  • key: the name of the item to set expires.
  • expires: accept stringnumber and Date.


return the expires(Date) of the item.

  • key: the name of the item that has set expires.


cancel the expires of the item.

  • key: the name of the item that has set expires.

The features of proxy-web-storage are the above. But I would like to ask how to do the e2e test of localStorage? If you have any suggestion, whether it is about e2e testing or about the repository, please contact me or open an issue. Thanks for reading.

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