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Discussion on: Hacktoberfest 2021 is Here 🎃

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Abid • Edited

I have uploaded 10 audio datasets on DAGsHub using DVC and 12 PR on GitHub. Just waiting for my swag and Dev Badge.

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open-source audio datasets

Open-source Audio Datasets


Hacktoberfest is a month-long virtual festival of open source! Participants are giving back to the community by completing pull requests, participating in events, and donating to open-source projects. This project is part of Hacktoberfest 2021, where participants enrich the open-source audio datasets hosted on DagsHub.

Quick Start to Contribution

What does the DagsHub community contribute?

This year we'd like to focus our contribution on the audio domain. For that, we added audio data catalog capabilities to DagsHub! You can now upload audio files to DagsHub and see its spectrogram, wave, and even listen to it! You can see a vivid example of this (extremely cool) feature in our Librispeech-ASR-corpus project.


To help audio practitioners leverage this new feature…