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Oduse David
Oduse David

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From Mechanical Engineering to Software Engineering: Why I Transitioned into Tech

As the world is rapidly transforming into a digital market, it's evident that information and communication technology (ICT) and digital tech are changing the way people interact with each other in all facets of life. Ever since I was young, I've always had a fascination for computers, which led me to prefer Computer Science over other subjects in school. Memories of spending time in the computer lab still bring me immense joy to this day.

However, when it came time for me to choose my undergraduate degree, I decided to go for Mechanical Engineering instead of Computer Science, which was a decision I regretted. I tried out various fields over the years, including content writing, SEO, freelancing, WordPress design, and blogging, but none of them seemed to satisfy my sense of purpose.

In 2020, I decided to download the SoloLearn app and learn Python on my own, completing it in just four months. However, I still couldn't figure out how to apply my newfound knowledge to practical solutions. I eventually stopped coding until I had a tech business idea that I couldn't bring to life due to my lack of technical skills.

That's when I finally embraced the idea of transitioning into tech. I taught myself basic HTML, CSS, and some parts of JavaScript using online resources like YouTube. While I know I still have a lot to learn, I appreciate the growth I've gained along my tech journey.

The turning point was attending the TxE Tech Summit in Enugu State, where the speakers reignited my passion for tech. After repairing my faulty laptop, I began coding with the little knowledge I had, and the rest is history.

My motivation for transitioning into tech was mainly due to the fact that my inadequate tech skills prevented me from bringing my business startup idea to life. However, the vast array of opportunities available in the tech space also motivated me. I'm confident that I can make a decent living as a tech practitioner while scaling my startup idea in the background.

More importantly, I decided to dive into tech full time because computers are my passion, and building a career around ICT and computers will satisfy my insatiable sense of purpose. It's clear to me that tech is the future of civilization.

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