Hello to everyone reading this post, I have try this easy way and it work for me several times and it work for me perfectly fine, so here are the concepts ππ
1.understanding the syntax
by carefully reading the docs step by step if possible finish the docs before practicing it will help because is what you understand that you can put into practice but if reading docs and practicing along is best for you, you can go on but I bet you there's a stage you will reach it will hang you and you will feel like quiting.
2.understanding the components views
This time around the ball is on your court play with it any how you want it, by practicing i.e copying and pasting don't stress yourself by trying to have all syntax offhand with regularly practicing you will know them all.
3 Data looping
This is another most important thing to learn in every framework because each framework have it own pattern of looping so is important you knowing it.
4 API call
As a frontend developer you are ought to know how to use API calls either by axios or graphql all help and all achieve the same goal
5 most of all
steady practicing and comfort zone with less noise because programing deal with thinking.
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