I've always admired the stunning portfolios created by designers, so I decided to try my hand at creating my own fancy portfolio as a full-stack de...
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A really cool portfolio from the visual aspect!
But as far as portfolios go about presenting info about you in a crisp manner, I feel your presentation can be improved. For instance, your about section(slide 2) is a bit irritating to read. Your project slide is missing the name of your project and the stack used. (Adding how you contributed to it would be a cherry on the cake). The scroll snapping could be improved. As I was scrolling using my touchpad, I was scrolling down multiple times when I wanted to scroll down one slide. You could take a look at the performance of your tech stack scroll section as well. It seemed to be on the laggy side.
You should prefer adding links to your hosted projects/github links instead of photos only.
And one of the most important things missing on the site is your contact details.
I think these small changes can make your portfolio shine brighter. Really great one nonetheless! 🌟
@dhrutisubham03 thanks for this wonderful feedback. It's of benefit to us all. Thank you!
It's is not totally completed, I add some other things, talk a look again. And thanks for your opinion ❤️❤️
Too much animations and a distractions, why not keep it simple, clean and crisp with the following sections and menu/nav items: a landing page, about me, skills and competencies, your portfolio projects, testimonials and contacts.
Keep it professional,!
I am already have one with simple things kiraaziz.vercel.app , but now I want something cool and fancy
This one is 200x better
Congrats, looks good! I'd add a favicon maybe? And custom domain 😎
And since you decided to go public about the code; I'd probably add a link back to GitHub (from the portfolio itself) and use the README to tell something more about you ;)
Your site looks good just that I don't think it appears professional, just the background needs to be removed and then you add your picture for easy and more professional profile. Include educational qualification and I think you're good to go!
Portfolio looks amazing!
I believe you used
for the UI?And magic ui
Amazing! I love the scrolling animation. One small detail I noticed was the navigation on the right side: during scrolling, it didn't change, so it's not telling how far I've scrolled.
Btw, I've updated my portfolio recently as well, it's way less fancy, but check it out at stasdeep.com
I like how fast it is , so cool
Great design! You should display some of your projects though.
Good one design
I love the design and thinking. it is very nice
Really awesome !!!
I love it! I am going to follow you on git hub and star the repo! Excellent work! Very impressive!
That is dope, bro! Where you find this high quality images?
It has a poor performance, I have a computer with the top Intel I7, 16GB of RAM and the animations are going really bad. Also, you showing a print of projects I assume deployed in that platform, most of them are "Untitled-randomstring".
Nope. The site works smoothly on my device and I don't have an I7 like you do.
mine mdtaquiimam.vercel.app 😁
Cool one
your portfolio is much better and cleaner than OP's.
I do wish your portfolio was scrollable. Just my opinion tho.