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How I recently demonstrated the Growth Mindset

Finishing secondary level with Math Physics and Geography as major courses, Architecture or civil engineering were my first choices for careers I wanted to pursue after graduation. But when the national examination results came out, I was offered to study a program that was not in my options. Then I decided to continue my studies in Information Technology, which was second in the choices I selected before going for the national examinations. It wasn't easy to picture myself as a software engineer when I started to take software engineering classes at the Adventist University of Central Africa(AUCA).

This was a major shift from non-computer-related to computer-related courses. Almost every class lesson was new and required a lot of research just to get the basic concepts. As I moved from one semester to another, I was introduced to courses like Algorithms, Data structures, Object Oriented Programming, … all which were very demanding and required much attention. So to make sure I get a good foundation in Information Technology, I had to work hard and open my mind to learning new things. 

As a result of hard work with a belief that I am capable of improving my skills, I was able to get good grades and now have the skills to develop good software applications.

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A brief story on my path to becoming a software developer