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Jimmy Klein
Jimmy Klein

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Never use array_merge in a loop in PHP

I often see people using array_merge function in a for/foreach/while loop 😱 like this :

$arraysToMerge = [ [1, 2], [2, 3], [5, 8] ];

$arraysMerged = [];
foreach($arraysToMerge as $array) {
    $arraysMerged = array_merge($arraysMerged, $array);
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It's a very bad practice because it's a performance killer (especially in memory).

Since PHP 5.6, there is a new operator : the spread operator

$arraysToMerge = [ [1, 2], [2, 3], [5,8] ];

$arraysMerged = array_merge([], ...$arraysToMerge);
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  • No more performance problem
  • BONUS : no more for/foreach/while loop
  • BONUS : process in one line

Look now at your code base to find code that you can improve πŸ‘©β€πŸ’»πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»!

Thank you for reading, and let's stay in touch !

If you liked this article, please share. You can also find me on Twitter/X for more PHP tips.

Top comments (10)

attkinsonjakob profile image
Jakob Attkinson

This solution is pretty cool, however if you have an array of objects this solution won't work anymore.

Say you have a list of users and each use has multiple social media accounts.

How would you create an array that has all the social media accounts from all the users? I can't find a better solution than this...

$accounts = [];
foreach ($users as $user) {
    $accounts = array_merge($accounts, $user['socialMediaAccounts']);
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klnjmm profile image
Jimmy Klein • Edited

In this case, you have to do a intermediate process

$accounts = [];
foreach ($users as $user) {
    $accounts[] = $user['socialMediaAccounts'];

$accounts = array_merge([], ...$accounts);
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jfernancordova profile image
JosΓ© CΓ³rdova • Edited

A fancy way:

$accounts = array_map(static function($user){
    return $user['socialMediaAccounts'];
}, $users);

$accounts = array_merge([], ...$accounts);
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nguyenhai97ict profile image
Nguyα»…n Đăng HαΊ£i

So basically different way of using array_merge so it still array_merge after all :?

klnjmm profile image
Jimmy Klein

Sorry but I don't understand your comment...

chris_daniel profile image
Christopher Daniel • Edited

I think if we pass more than two arrays as arguments, it will call k way merge. It is faster than array_merge in loop

einenlum profile image
Yann Rabiller

Hi :)

I think you meant in PHP 7.4?

klnjmm profile image
Jimmy Klein


No, this work in PHP 5.6 :, "Argument unpacking via ..." section

einenlum profile image
Yann Rabiller

Oh! Indeed, array_merge is a function so variadic arguments work… Did not think about it . Thx!

ohvitorino profile image
Bruno Vitorino

Hi! Nice article.
Could you maybe also add some performance stats comparing both approaches?