DEV Community

Why I’m So Frustrated With Go

Kurtis Nusbaum on June 01, 2017

It’s been about a year since I started using Go. I’ve written a lot of code with it, including an entire micro-service and a contribution to glide....
nickgrim profile image
Nick Grimshaw • Edited

To solve the iterate-in-some-order-but-maintain-immutability problem, how about something like this:

type AnimalMap struct {
        mapping map[string]Animal
        order []string

func (am *AnimalMap) Range(f func(Animal)) {
        for _, s := range am.order {
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...and then just:

printThem := func(a Animal) {
        fmt.Printf("%v\n", a)
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klnusbaum profile image
Kurtis Nusbaum

I hadn't thought about this. This is interesting.

That said, I think the boiler plate of always having to wrap my code in a closure is a little frustrating. The example provided here is not to bad, but I think I could envision code that's more complex and this being a little more frustrating to do. Not only that, but I have to wrap each new piece of iteration code with a closure.

What do you think?

klnusbaum profile image
Kurtis Nusbaum

I thought about this a little more and I really like your solution. While it adds closure boiler plate at the call site, it also removes the need for the caller to write their own loop. So it's actually a wash in that sense. But it removes all the stuff I had to add for immutability. I actually really like this. My hats off to you.

That said, it's still 10 lines of code I have to write every time I want a data structure like this. Which is an order of magnitude larger than other languages.

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irongopher profile image
Darren Venables

/u/shovelpost commented this on reddit.


  • "Author complains he has to write 30 extra lines of code in Go.
  • "Person in comments provides a solution that reduces code to 10 lines.
  • "Author complains he has to write 10 extra lines of code in Go."

You are a developer, and you must write some code. Go is not a language meant to be all things to all people. Look at C++, C#, and Java to see what happens to languages that walk that road: they become bloated with features, fast.

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chicocode profile image
Francisco Hisashi Berrocal • Edited

In Javascript you don't need 10 lines of code to accomplish the same results and is still a small core language.
You would use some lib to do that, maybe the problem with go is the immature ecosystem.

blixt profile image
Blixt • Edited

Why not make the map an index into a slice of Animal if you're already going for immutability? Simpler/faster to iterate.

type AnimalMap struct {
    index map[string]int
    items []Animal

(The key lookup would become am.items[am.index["value"]])

If you were going for mutability, it'd be simpler to make the index map[string]*Animal (which might not be a bad idea even with immutable access – of course the index matters more/less depending on how much you'd be inserting/deleting.).

rkuris profile image
Ron Kuris

I wish I understood why immutable structures are so important, unless you are wanting a functional programming paradigm, which leaves only Haskell or Scala. Write me something in another language that I can't mutate.

IMHO if you want something immutable, don't mutate it.

_andys8 profile image

"... don't mutate it": But who verifies you didn't? Your tooling should. Think about tests, formatting and linting. People could just write perfect code and not use these tools either ;)

Immutability leads to better structured code if people think about which values actually change, which not and how they depend on each other.

klnusbaum profile image
Kurtis Nusbaum
rkuris profile image
Ron Kuris

I think even these discussions miss a key point. I can't tell you how many times I've had, in Java, someone just throw "final" on their class because they thought nobody should extend it. I've had to copy entire classes because I couldn't use something from a library more times than I can count just for this reason.

Even "String" in java is final and immutable. I want mutable strings, for all the reasons mentioned in many of these posts -- much faster, easier to deal with, etc. Because of someone's idea that all strings should be immutable, I end out constructing tons of objects that I don't need, and compiler writers spend thousands of hours improving the optimizer to avoid these allocations, and programmers resorting to libraries with buffers and such in order to add simple strings together, all because someone thought string should be immutable.

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jimleroyer profile image

I also don't like the habit of certain programmers to define all of their Java classes as final, but that is not immutability of object instances that the author refers to (preventing class extension vs preventing modification of objects at runtime). I think it's a valid rant but that sounds like a different topic.

Regarding mutable Strings in Java, I wonder why you had to use libraries. There are StringBuffer and StringBuilder just for that in core Java (former is present since JDK1.0), sitting alongside String (in java.lang package).

On the topic of immutability and specifically String, James Gosling gave an explanation back in 2001:

Performance (there are cases where immutability can provide more performance) and security basically were his two main reasons for making String immutable. I particularly like this quote:

You end up getting almost forced to replicate the object because you don't know whether or not you get to own it.

That's obvious for C, C++ or/and Rust programmers. Maybe less when we are used to work with a VM that does most of the memory allocation and ownership management.

klnusbaum profile image
Kurtis Nusbaum

Russ Cox has also outline why he thinks immutability is a good idea in his 2017 resolutions:

(he also says he wants to a get a better understanding of generics :)

ikirker profile image
Ian Kirker

For instance, try writing a reusable exponential backoff algorithm. Oh, and you can’t use interface{}.

"For instance, try writing a matrix/matrix multiply. Oh, and you can't use numerical types. We're writing in a language with string support for a reason."

It's not an exact analogy, but it seems disingenuous to include an arbitrary handicap and then complain that something is difficult.

klnusbaum profile image
Kurtis Nusbaum

I would argue that the handicap is not arbitrary. As I explained in the sentence after, using interface{} would cause the loss of static type checking which is incredibly valuable.

joncalhoun profile image
Jon Calhoun

While not perfect, I talk about using code generation for problems like this here:

And then there are a few pretty solid generic generation libs out there if you find them more useful. being one of them.

Not as nice as generics but they help.

tynor profile image
Tynor Fujimoto • Edited

For instance, try writing a reusable exponential backoff algorithm […] Oh, and you can’t use interface{}.

How about something like this?

func ExponentialBackoff(tries int, unit time.Duration, f func() error) error {
    var err error
    for i := 0; i < tries; i++ {
        err = f()
        if err == nil {
            return nil
        top := int32(math.Exp2(float64(i))) + 2
        n := rand.Int31n(top)
        time.Sleep(time.Duration(n) * unit)
    return err

Of course it could be simplified to remove the unit argument if you knew ahead of time which unit you wanted to use.

It could be used like so:

n := 0
f := func() error {
    if n > 5 {
        return nil
    return errors.New("failed")
ExponentialBackoff(10, time.Millisecond, f)
pmarreck profile image
Peter Marreck

Disclaimer: I am no fan of Go (currently quite enamored with Elixir)

Lacking some OrderedMap builtin, couldn't someone simply write a library to give everyone in Go this functionality?

Anyway, what you're experiencing is exactly why I left OOP langs: You can use a functional immutable style all you want in any OO lang, but as soon as you depend on the language ecosystem and libraries, all guarantees and most benefits go out the window IMHO.

timuckun profile image
Tim Uckun

Try Crystal.

ryanjhayden profile image

I could understand the frustration or having to implement your own filter logic. I ran into the same issue before, though I didn't have to worry about the slice being immutable.

Maybe something like this in the future?

bgadrian profile image
Adrian B.G.

I see your point, but "A Simple Data Structure" with "4 not so simple requirements", I can`t blame Go, it is a simple language. From what I saw so far the lack of generics is a big issue.

nobozo profile image
Jon Forrest

Minor typo:

"I must be able to iterate over it’s elements" ->
"I must be able to iterate over its elements"