See section 5 on post.
Find the second screenshot and find the yellow '! functions'
Read this post as a sort of add-on / follow-up, whatever you want to call it! I would have updated this leading post but that seems not possible!
Well, whenever you build your functions project and trying to setup your emulating environment, and still seeing this kind or a warning on your output but simply ignoring it.
Sure, many of you just ignore it, that's okΓ©, it is not a big deal! See this post aa a kind of writing just for the ones who sometimes dive into the little tiny nifty details.
As said, seeing this so called warning and you're pretty sure you aren't running multiple instances of the emulator suite then then it is most likely the existance of multiple log files named 'firebase-debug.log' are your friends to get rid of this warning giving you a nice and clean output without any yellow warns about 'multiple instances'.
Just try steps:
Prerequisite: you're sure about just running one instance of emulator suite.
On PowerShell π
1.π₯ netstat -ano | findstr :8080 -> it will output something like
2.π₯ tasklist | findstr 10180 -> it wil output something like
(java.exe / node.exe) '<PID no.>' Console 1 128.280 K
3.π taskkill /PID /F -> outputs
SUCCESS: The process with '<PID no.>' has been terminated.
Restart Emulator with a fresh state
4.π firebase emulators:start --only firestore --import '[local-data-bucket]'
? Still seeing a yellow ! functions ... warning?
Look into your repository for file(s) named 'firebase-debug.log'
I'm pretty sure there is one (or more...)!
On your terminal π
rm -rf firebase-debug.log -> outputs
!Seeing nothing: files named 'firebase-debug.log' should be gone! **)
**) In case you want to keep them for whatever reason store them on a different spot outside your repository.
Restart Emulator with a fresh stateπ
firebase emulators:start --only firestore --import
-> outputs
...something **without** yellow '! functions' ... !
A log file (firebase-debug.log) does not running an instance itselve, but it contains leftover state information from a previous emulator run. Firebase interpreted the presence of such a log as an indication that another instance might still be running. Once you manually cleared the actual running process (java.exe), and delete the log file(s) of previous firebase session(s), restarting the emulator, the warning stay away.
All with a little help of π O4, thanks buddy π!
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