Yesterday I had an idea to show text completion by Autohotkey with animated images (GIFs)

Speed up git commands with Autohotkey
Krzysztof Kopieczek ・ Apr 20 '21
Unfortunately changes pasted images to *.png. After the image is pasted to the text, it's being changed to a proper markdown image placeholder:

Seeing AWS in the image source immediately triggered me to use my existing Azure subscription to host *.gif files.
How to upload GIF to Azure Storage
- Let's assume you have existing Azure subscription. If not, you may consider reading/watching different tutorial.
Create a new Storage Account. I suggest using a new, separate resource group for your "blog stuff"
Provide account name (f.e. "kopieczekdevstoraccount"), select Azure region of your choice (any will be good, as readers are from all over the world), set standard performance, v2 account type and replication of your choice (I chose LRS because I don't need any backup). Other settings are irrelevant.
Wait for the account to be created and create a container. Give it any name, f.e. "images" and set Blob public access level.
Now just open newly created blob and upload your GIF.
Click on the uploaded gif on the blobls list and copy the blob URL.
Paste the URL to your post:

Voila! Now you can use GIFs in your posts.
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