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Bogdanov Anton
Bogdanov Anton

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Prevent over-fetching data for REST API in Ruby on Rails

One of the main features of GrahpQL compared to the REST api - GraphQL APIs let clients query the exact data they need, while REST APIs just returns all data described in serializers.

While I prefer using REST API for my rails apps I tried to find solution for optimizing responses. I made some attempts with multiple serializers for different controllers and for the same models, but it leds to mess.

With using jsonapi-serializer I found solution.

Attributes of serializer can be optional with if and proc

class UserSerializer < ApplicationSerializer
  attribute :confirmed, if: proc { |_, params| required_field?(params, 'confirmed') }, &:confirmed?
  attribute :banned, if: proc { |_, params| required_field?(params, 'banned') }, &:banned?
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During serialization such attributes will be or will not be serialized based on provided params.

Attribute will be serialized if it presents in include_fields or does not present in exclude_fields.

class ApplicationSerializer
  def self.required_field?(params, field_name)
    params[:include_fields]&.include?(field_name) || params[:exclude_fields]&.exclude?(field_name)
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And this is how part in controllers works

SERIALIZER_FIELDS = %w[confirmed banned].freeze
def index
  render json: {
      current_user, params: serializer_fields(UserSerializer, SERIALIZER_FIELDS)
  }, status: :ok
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Method serializer_fields generates hash with include/exclude attributes based on params and compares it with available attributes from serializer. Later that hash is used in serializer.

def serializer_fields(serializer_class, default_include_fields=[])
  @serializer_attributes =
  return {} if response_include_fields.any? && response_exclude_fields.any?
  return { include_fields: response_include_fields } if response_include_fields.any?
  return { exclude_fields: response_exclude_fields } if response_exclude_fields.any?
  return { include_fields: default_include_fields } if default_include_fields.any?


def response_include_fields
  @response_include_fields ||= params[:response_include_fields]&.split(',').to_a & @serializer_attributes

def response_exclude_fields
  @response_exclude_fields ||= params[:response_exclude_fields]&.split(',').to_a & @serializer_attributes
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This approach allows to achieve:

  • preventing over-fetching data by REST API,

  • tracking required attributes for responses (maybe some of them are not used at all),

  • usually controller could have some .includes for optimization, and based on required attributes such optimizations/additional requests to DB can be skipped.

I hope this approach will help somebody with REST API optimization their Rails apps.

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