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How I Make Daily Task List with Logseq - Part 2


Hello everyone! This is a continuation of the last article. Today, I will start with Fleeting Notes.

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Fleeting Notes

In the last article, I explained how I collect daily notices. As I explained, usually I write the things on Daily Journal, and collect them on a weekly basis.

However, tasks are not the only things I collect - In addition to tasks, there is another type of notes that are collected separately, as Fleeting Notes.

What is Fleeting Notes?

If you are familiar with the Zettelkasten method, this may require no explanation. Fleeting Notes I am presenting here are inspired by the Zettelkasten method.

*I am operating in my own way, so perhaps the usage may be slightly different from the official one.

Fleeting Notes would look something like this.

  • Any idea that pops into mind (it's okay if it's vague and unformed)
  • Probably it doesn't have a clear deadline (if it does, maybe it should be in the Task List)

Fleeting Notes are generally kept with no due date. I review them from time to time, and wait for the right time to foster ideas or to use them.

The concept of Task List, which I explained in the last article, has nothing to do with this Zettelkasten Method or Fleeting Notes - but in my way, both of them does the same way of collecting tasks or fleeting notes, and gathering them into a list separately.

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Tip: Task List and Fleeting Notes List

Let me summarize the things so far.

For both Tasks and Fleeting Notes, the basic idea is to write down everything you notice or pop into your mind in everyday's Daily Journals. Then, tasks and fleeting notes are collected and added to list separately at the same time the Weekly Journals.

As for the Task List, as I explained in last article, you can use any tool you like.

Fleeting Notes can be collected in the same way, but it doesn't really need due date for each notes. In my case, I use Notion database for collect tasks and fleeting notes both and separately manage them with different databases.

Personally, I think that the functionality of the tool itself is not that important (especially in the case of Fleeting Notes), but rather the habitual review of the collected notes, updating and deleting them on a regular basis.

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Tip: Keep Ideas until The Right Time

Kept Fleeting Notes will wait until the right time come.

If the notes is left for a while, someday you may feel, it become 'usable', by some reasons (with the addition of another idea that makes it better, situation change, etc). On the other hand, to some of notes, you may lose interest as the days go by and eventually become 'unusable' (I call it 'drying up of the past'). In my opinion, the list should be always clean. So if you realize some specific notes will not get any better, delete them.

When "Right Time" comes, there are some ways to do go forward.

  • Make it Task: If your idea gets clear to-do and due date, then literally you can add it to Task List.
  • Other Zettelkasten Notes: The Zettelkasten Method includes various types of notes, such as Literature Notes, Permanent Notes, Project Notes, etc. Fleeting Notes can change to those type of notes depending on the situation. I will not dig into these note types in depth in this article, but if you are interested, please search on Google them up.
  • Delete: If you feel the note is no longer neeed, or already used idea of notes, then you can delete it.

As noted above, Fleeting Notes may be changed to other notes such as Tasks or other Zettelkasten Notes.

If you use Notion, or something which has relational database system, it's better to add backlink to connect from fleeting notes, so that you will be easily access to see what has happened so far.

In these cases, having everything in the same tool (like, have everything in Notion) makes it easier to manage.

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To Be Continued

In this article, I explained in detail about Tasks and Fleeting Notes, for creating a Daily Task List. As I do every time, I apologize for my poor explanation!

The next article will be the last (probably). Thank you for reading!

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