DEV Community

Dmytro Krasun
Dmytro Krasun

Posted on • Originally published at

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Let's build a screenshot API

Two years have passed since the launch of ScreenshotOne, and I want to do a fun coding exercise and build a tiny subset of what the API is today, but from scratch.

In case you don't want to read the tutorial, feel free to check out the complete result a screenshot API on GitHub.

A few reasons behind the exercise:

  1. Because I want to assess the modern landscape of technologies that enable screenshot rendering. And I want to rethink some architectural choices I made for ScreenshotOne back at times.

  2. Also, I want to have a simple guide to share for those who seek an alternative for screenshot APIs or want to build a competitor solution to ScreenshotOne. Yes, the more APIs the better for the screenshot automation market.

  3. And the last but not the least, I want to share with you how much more complex screenshot API turns out to be than it seems. But yet you will have a good option to go without relying on the third-party APIs.

It fascinates me that I still have fun building a screenshot API, especially, the second time.


To shorten this tutorial from the book to a short blog post, I selected a few simple features to implement:

  1. Full page screenshots with triggering lazy loading of images.
  2. Blocking cookie banners.
  3. Changing viewport parameters like dimensions and device scale factor.
  4. Upload screenshots to any S3-compatible storage.

Of course, there are a hundred more features that screenshot APIs have, but these few will be enough for demonstration purposes.

API comes first

It should be customer needs and documentation first, but for simplicity, I will take a small subset of features of ScreenshotOne and just reimplement them right away by writing code.


I decided to go with:

  1. Hono—a simple and fast framework for processing HTTP requests.
  2. OpenAPI specification—for documentation, SDK generation, validation (Hono has a decent middleware for that), and interoperability with modern AI and other systems.
  3. TypeScript—I am lazy and static typing saves me from overthinking.
  4. Node.js—it is bullet-proof, battle-tested, and will be with us for years to come. Also, most of the best libraries like Puppeteer and Playwright for working headless browsers are written for Nodejs. Playwright however supports many other languages and is worth considering, too.
  5. LocalStack for running AWS S3 storage locally for playing and testing purposes.

I also have a decent experience with these technologies and that matters a lot. If you are good with Python, consider going with it, Python also can render website screenshots.

API for rendering screenshots

Starting with Hono is as simple as:

npm create hono@latest
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I chose the Node.js runtime.

Hono combined with Zod is a turbo rocket. Let's define the request and response schemes in src/schema.ts:

import { z } from "@hono/zod-openapi";

export const ScreenshotOptionsSchema = z.object({
    url: z.string().url().openapi({
        description: "A website URL.",
        example: "",
    block_cookie_canners: z.boolean().default(true).openapi({
        description: "Render clean screenshots.",
        example: false,
    viewport_width: z.coerce.number().int().min(1).default(1920).openapi({
        description: "Change the viewport width.",
        example: 1920,
    viewport_height: z.coerce.number().int().min(1).default(1080).openapi({
        description: "Change the viewport height.",
        example: 600,
    device_scale_factor: z.coerce.number().int().min(1).default(1).openapi({
        description: "Change the device scale factor.",
        example: 2,
    full_page: z.boolean().default(false).openapi({
        description: "Render the full page screenshot.",
        example: false,

export const ScreenshotResultSchema = z
        screenshot_url: z.string().url(),
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As you see, I added all the options that reflect features we are going to build: changing viewport parameters, full page screenshots, blocking cookie banners, and the URL of the rendered screenshots as a result.

Now, see how easy it is to define a route and handle typed requests and return typed responses—everything is really typesafe:

import { OpenAPIHono } from "@hono/zod-openapi";
import { createRoute } from "@hono/zod-openapi";

import { ScreenshotOptionsSchema, ScreenshotResultSchema } from "./schema";

const app = new OpenAPIHono();

        method: "get",
        path: "/screenshot",
        request: {
            query: ScreenshotOptionsSchema,
        responses: {
            200: {
                content: {
                    "application/json": {
                        schema: ScreenshotResultSchema,
                description: "Rendered screenshot.",
    (c) => {
        const screenshotOptions = c.req.valid("query");
        // Output:
        // {
        //     "block_cookie_canners": true,
        //     "viewport_width": 1920,
        //     "viewport_height": 1080,
        //     "device_scale_factor": 1,
        //     "full_page": false
        // }

        const screenshotUrl = "";

        return c.json({ screenshot_url: screenshotUrl });

        // For http://localhost:3000/screenshot, it returns:
        // {"screenshot_url":""}

app.doc("/openapi.json", {
    openapi: "3.0.0",
    info: {
        version: "1.0.0",
        title: "The Screenshot API",

export default app;
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Then I just update the src/index.ts file:

import { serve } from "@hono/node-server";
import app from "./app";

const port = 3000;
console.log(`Server is running on port ${port}`);

    fetch: app.fetch,
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And that's it. The API is ready to handle screenshot rendering requests.

As a bonus, we get the OpenAPI specification automatically at the /openapi.json route:

    "openapi": "3.0.0",
    "info": {
        "version": "1.0.0",
        "title": "The Screenshot API"
    "components": {
        "schemas": {
            "Screenshot": {
                "type": "object",
                "properties": {
                    "screenshot_url": {
                        "type": "string",
                        "format": "uri"
                "required": ["screenshot_url"]
        "parameters": {}
    "paths": {
        "/screenshot": {
            "get": {
                "parameters": [
                        "schema": {
                            "type": "string",
                            "format": "uri",
                            "description": "A website URL.",
                            "example": ""
                        "required": true,
                        "name": "url",
                        "in": "query"
                        "schema": {
                            "type": "boolean",
                            "default": true,
                            "description": "Render clean screenshots.",
                            "example": false
                        "required": true,
                        "name": "block_cookie_canners",
                        "in": "query"
                        "schema": {
                            "type": "integer",
                            "minimum": 1,
                            "default": 1920,
                            "description": "Change the viewport width.",
                            "example": 1920
                        "required": true,
                        "name": "viewport_width",
                        "in": "query"
                        "schema": {
                            "type": "integer",
                            "minimum": 1,
                            "default": 1080,
                            "description": "Change the viewport height.",
                            "example": 600
                        "required": true,
                        "name": "viewport_height",
                        "in": "query"
                        "schema": {
                            "type": "integer",
                            "minimum": 1,
                            "default": 1,
                            "description": "Change the device scale factor.",
                            "example": 2
                        "required": true,
                        "name": "device_scale_factor",
                        "in": "query"
                        "schema": {
                            "type": "boolean",
                            "default": false,
                            "description": "Render the full page screenshot.",
                            "example": false
                        "required": true,
                        "name": "full_page",
                        "in": "query"
                "responses": {
                    "200": {
                        "description": "Render a Screenshot",
                        "content": {
                            "application/json": {
                                "schema": {
                                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Screenshot"
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Asynchronous versus synchronous API

It is a simple synchronous API method for rendering screenshots, but if I were to start today again I would consider building an asynchronous-first API from scratch.

Because it is much easier to scale and manage resources. But it requires a lot of work upfront, like queues, and database, and also complicates the integration for customers.

For users, it might be much easier to start with synchronous API. But there is a way to encourage them to use asynchronous if it matters, for example, to allow cheaper prices or charge fewer credits per asynchronous requests.

Unfortunately, building the asynchronous API is out of the scope of this tutorial.

Now, let's proceed to the most fun part (at least for me)—rendering screenshots.

Rendering screenshots

One simple function to render screenshots

To make sure we are now focused on building only the core features, let's introduce a simple function in src/screenshots.ts:

import { ScreenshotOptions } from "./schema";

export async function render(
    options: ScreenshotOptions
): Promise<{ url: string }> {
    // return the URL of the screenshot

    return { url: "" };
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It requires new type introduced as in src/schema.ts:

export const ScreenshotOptionsSchema = z.object({
    url: z.string().url().openapi({
        description: "A website URL.",
        example: "",
    // ...

export type ScreenshotOptions = z.infer<typeof ScreenshotOptionsSchema>;
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And let's use it in the route handler (src/app.ts):

// ...
import { render } from "./screenshots";

        // ...
    async (c) => {
        const screenshotOptions = c.req.valid("query");

        const result = await render(screenshotOptions);

        return c.json({ screenshot_url: result.url });
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Now, we can fully focus on implementing rendering.

Preferring Puppeteer to Playwright

Playwright seems to be a superior library for working with headless browsers than Puppeteer, but I will go with Puppeteer.

Playwright is focused more on automation testing, while Puppeteer is about browser automation. Puppeteer is still actively developed and has a much better ecosystem in terms of plugs you can use for screenshotting, like blocking ads, cookie banners, and much much more.

And, frankly, I have plenty of experience with Puppeteer—it is a decent library that just does the job.

If you are curious, you can read more about how to take screenshots with Puppeteer.

Now, let's install Puppeteer:

npm i puppeteer
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And try to render our first screenshot.

The first screenshot

In the first simple implementation, we omit blocking banners and scrolling before rendering the full page and uploading it to any S3-compatible storage. But everything else is fairly easy to implement:

import { ScreenshotOptions } from "./schema";

import puppeteer from "puppeteer";

export async function render(
    options: ScreenshotOptions
): Promise<{ url: string }> {
    const browser = await puppeteer.launch();

    const page = await browser.newPage();
    await page.setViewport({
        width: options.viewport_width,
        height: options.viewport_height,
        deviceScaleFactor: options.device_scale_factor,

    await page.goto(options.url);

    const encodedScreenshot = await page.screenshot({
        type: "jpeg",
        encoding: "base64",
        fullPage: options.full_page,

    await browser.close();

    return { url: `data:image/jpeg;base64,${encodedScreenshot}` };
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I went with the JPEG format, since it is more performant and returned the image in the Base64 encoding for simplicity but in the data URL format.

If you request to render the website as:

curl "http://localhost:3000/screenshot?url="
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You will get a response as:

{ "screenshot_url": "..." }
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You can copy and paste the URL into the browser and you will see the screenshot:

Block cookie banners

We won't implement the complete solution to block cookies with Puppeteer, but we will one simple solution to demonstrate how it can be done—by using a plugin to block banners.

Let's install and use the plugin first:

npm install @cliqz/adblocker-puppeteer cross-fetch
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Integrating the plugin takes only a few lines of code:

import { ScreenshotOptions } from "./schema";

import puppeteer, { Page } from "puppeteer";
import { PuppeteerBlocker } from "@cliqz/adblocker-puppeteer";
import fetch from "cross-fetch";

let blocker: PuppeteerBlocker | null = null;
async function blockCookieBanners(page: Page) {
    if (!blocker) {
        blocker = await PuppeteerBlocker.fromLists(fetch, [
            // the list of the cookie banners to block from the website

    await blocker.enableBlockingInPage(page);

export async function render(
    options: ScreenshotOptions
): Promise<{ url: string }> {
    const browser = await puppeteer.launch();

    const page = await browser.newPage();
    if (options.block_cookie_canners) {
        await blockCookieBanners(page);

    await page.setViewport({
        width: options.viewport_width,
        height: options.viewport_height,
        deviceScaleFactor: options.device_scale_factor,

    await page.goto(options.url);

    const encodedScreenshot = await page.screenshot({
        type: "jpeg",
        encoding: "base64",
        fullPage: options.full_page,

    await browser.close();

    return { url: `data:image/jpeg;base64,${encodedScreenshot}` };
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Now, let's try and check if it blocks the cookie banners for StackOverflow. First without banners:

curl http://localhost:3000/screenshot?url=
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And the result is:

StackOverflow with cookies banners

And now, without:

curl http://localhost:3000/screenshot?url=
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StackOverflow without cookies banners

But there are many corner cases where cookie banner blocking won't work. In this case, you will need to block them by selectors and develop many other heuristics that search for "accept cookie" in buttons and similar.

It took me years to developer a sophisticated and yet working algorithm to block most cookie banners in ScreenshotOne.

Trigger lazy loading for full-page screenshots

Most of the websites don't render the images below the fold and use lazy loading techniques for that to speed up performance of loading the website.

It causes problems when taking full-page screenshots. The fastest wait to fix that is just to scroll the page till the bottom before taking the full page screenshot.

For example, look at this Apple full page screenshot without scrolling:

Before scrolling

And then we add scrolling:

// ...

async function scroll(page: Page) {
    return await page.evaluate(async () => {
        return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            var i = setInterval(() => {
                window.scrollBy(0, window.innerHeight);
                if (
                    document.scrollingElement &&
                    document.scrollingElement.scrollTop + window.innerHeight >=
                ) {
                    window.scrollTo(0, 0);
            }, 100);


export async function render(
    options: ScreenshotOptions
): Promise<{ url: string }> {
    // ...
    await page.goto(options.url);

    if (options.full_page) {
        await scroll(page);

    const encodedScreenshot = await page.screenshot({
        type: "jpeg",
        encoding: "base64",
        fullPage: options.full_page,

    // ...

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Now, look at the result:

After scrolling

All images are loaded and the full-page screenshot is rendered properly.

If you are curious, read more about how to take full page screenshots with Puppeteer.

Uploading to S3 storage

Later you can use any S3 compatible storage because the code I write will still work, but for testing purposes on my local machine, I will use LocalStack:

python3 -m pip install localstack
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And start it:

localstack start -d
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Configure your AWS CLI (set access/secret keys to "test"):

aws configure --profile localstack
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Create your bucket:

aws s3 mb s3://screenshots --endpoint-url http://localhost:4566 --profile localstack
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Install the AWS SDK for JavaScript:

npm install @aws-sdk/client-s3 @aws-sdk/lib-storage
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Now, let's try to upload screenshots to the bucket:

import {
} from "@aws-sdk/client-s3";
import { Upload } from "@aws-sdk/lib-storage";

// ...

const cfg: S3ClientConfig = {
    region: process.env.S3_REGION ?? "us-west-2",
    maxAttempts: 5,
    retryMode: "standard",
    credentials: {
        accessKeyId: process.env.ACCESS_KEY_ID ?? "test",
        secretAccessKey: process.env.SECRET_ACCESS_KEY ?? "test",
    endpoint: process.env.S3_ENDPOINT ?? "http://localhost:4566",
    forcePathStyle: true,

const client = new S3Client(cfg);

export async function uploadToS3Storage(
    screenshot: Buffer,
    key: string,
    contentType: string
) {
    const bucket = "screenshots";

    const upload = new Upload({
        client: client,
        params: {
            Bucket: bucket,
            Key: key,
            Body: screenshot,
            ContentType: contentType,
            StorageClass: "STANDARD",
        queueSize: 4,
        partSize: 1024 * 1024 * 5,
        leavePartsOnError: false,

    const result: CompleteMultipartUploadCommandOutput = await upload.done();
    if (!result.Location) {
        throw new Error("Failed to upload");

    return result.Location;

export async function render(
    options: ScreenshotOptions
): Promise<{ url: string }> {
    // ...

    const location = await uploadToS3Storage(

    return { url: location };
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The result URL will be just http://localhost/screenshots/example.jpeg which is not correct, since it doesn't contain the port.

As an exercise, you can fix that and also add a parameter to specify the resulting filename or compute it automatically from the website URL.


Since we went with Puppeteer, it already provides instructions on how to build a Docker and run a headless browser with Node.js:

FROM node:20@sha256:cb7cd40ba6483f37f791e1aace576df449fc5f75332c19ff59e2c6064797160e

# Install latest chrome dev package and fonts
# to support major charsets (Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, Hebrew, Thai and a few others)
# Note: this installs the necessary libs to make the bundled version of Chrome that Puppeteer
# installs, work.
RUN apt-get update \
    && apt-get install -y wget gnupg \
    && wget -q -O - | gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/googlechrome-linux-keyring.gpg \
    && sh -c 'echo "deb [arch=amd64 signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/googlechrome-linux-keyring.gpg] stable main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google.list' \
    && apt-get update \
    && apt-get install -y google-chrome-stable fonts-ipafont-gothic fonts-wqy-zenhei fonts-thai-tlwg fonts-khmeros fonts-kacst fonts-freefont-ttf libxss1 dbus dbus-x11 \
    --no-install-recommends \
    && service dbus start \
    && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* \
    && groupadd -r apiuser && useradd -rm -g apiuser -G audio,video apiuser

USER apiuser

WORKDIR /home/apiuser/app

COPY --chown=apiuser:apiuser package*json tsconfig.json  ./
COPY --chown=apiuser:apiuser src ./src

RUN npm ci && \
    npm run build && \
    npm prune --production

CMD ["node", "/home/apiuser/app/build/index.js"]
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I also changed the TypeScript configuration (tsconfig.json):

    "compilerOptions": {
        "target": "ESNext",
        "strict": true,
        "module": "commonjs",
        "esModuleInterop": true,
        "types": ["node"],
        "outDir": "./build"
    "exclude": ["node_modules"],
    "include": ["**/*.ts"]
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Then I installed the TypeScript compiler:

npm i typescript --save-dev
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

I updated the scripts section in package.json:

    // ...
    "scripts": {
        "dev": "tsx watch src/index.ts",
        "build": "tsc"
    // ...
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And tuned a bit the configuration of the browser when launching:

const browser = await puppeteer.launch({
    args: [
    headless: true,
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Now, let's check that it works:

docker build -t learnshot .
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docker run -p 3000:3000 learnshot -e S3_ENDPOINT=... -e ACCESS_KEY_ID=... # and other S3-related environment variables
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Pay attention that using the local version of S3, won't work with Docker out-of-the-box. You can either use the real S3 bucket or to find the way to make sure that the localhost is available to the internal Docker network.

It should work and respond as before.

Containerizing the application will allow us to host the API anywhere from serverless to VPS.


For ScreenshotOne, I use a combination of bare metal servers with GPU, managed Kubernetes, and Google Cloud Run.

But there are one thousand more ways to deploy the screenshot API we have just built.


It has a lot of upsides and I enjoy using it. Some of them are:

  1. Scalability: It can automatically adjust resources based on demand.
  2. Flexibility: It supports a wide range of environments, including on-premises, cloud, and hybrid clouds.
  3. Rich and strong ecosystem: Offers a rich set of features and integrations thanks to its widespread adoption and active community.

But it also has two serious downsides:

  1. Complexity: Setting up and managing a Kubernetes cluster can be complex, requiring significant expertise. Start with the managed option first. Even that will be complex most of the time.
  2. Cost: While Kubernetes itself is open-source and free, running it, especially in cloud environments, can incur substantial costs based on the resources utilized. But I consider it much cheaper option compared to Google Cloud Run and AWS Fargate as an alternative.

I wouldn't start with Kubernetes today for most of the cases, but at later stages of the project, it can be irreplaceable and super valuable.

AWS Fargate, Google Clod Run, or Azure Container

I use Google Cloud Run and I still believe it is still the easiest and the fastest option to start with. Typical upsides of such platforms are:

  1. Arguable, but serverless approach: these environments remove the need to manage servers or clusters, simplifying deployment and management.
  2. Scalability: Automatically scales computing capacity in response to application demands.
  3. Integration: Seamlessly integrates with other Google Cloud Platform, AWS, or Azure services, offering a comprehensive ecosystem for deployment, monitoring, and security.

The main downside for me is cost, it is expensive for long-running and resource-intensive applications (like headless browsers!) due to its pricing model.


Virtual Private Servers (VPS) provide another viable option for deploying our screenshot API. And that's how I actually started, but it quickly gets out of control, once you have a considerable load, you need to always adjust and check the capacity of your servers.

The main upside is cost-effectiveness, but managing VPS is still painful which can be solved with PaaS like Heroku, Render, or similar.

Or you can use [] and GitHub actions for automating at least deploys, but there are still will be issues that you will need to solve.


Heroku and similar providers can simplify the server management issues, but you can use something much better that can combine both cost efficiency and ease of deployment—Coolify:


It can automate your CI/CD process, generate SSL certificates, provision servers, and has powerful server automation and monitoring.

If I were starting today again, I would seriously consider using Coolify and provisioning and managing my own servers with it.

What is next?

You might want to continue further development, but there is so much more about screenshot APIs. Let's grasp quickly what could be done next.


Except for specific categories of sites like news, most sites don't change frequently and you can enable caching for rendered screenshots.

For example, ScreenshotOne does that by utilizing Cloudflare Workers, Cache, and R2 storage. It is also provided as a free option for all ScreenshotOne customers since it almost costs nothing.

Proxies and retries

Requests to websites often fail, networking fails, and everything fails. Sometimes your screenshot is blocked.

Combine using proxies and retry requests if the site does not respond.

Advanced image processing

You can add a feature to specify the image size, and format and convert it on the fly.

It is not requested frequently but is used by some of my customers to store already processed images and serve them from the cache.

There are a lot more features to build but I listed the most frequently asked features.

Improve error handling

Make sure to handle all the possible errors from Puppeteer and when uploading screenshots to the S3 storage.

Also, for every function you can call, always set timeouts and make sure to handle them properly if the function call exceeds the configured timeout.

Automate testing

Screenshotting websites have so many pitfalls that I would recommend to write automation tests if it is possible.

You often fix one thing, and two others is now broken. Writing automated tests can help to prevent that. And make sure you deliver the stable quality of your services.

The end

I know that screenshot APIs are boring, that's what most developers tell me. But I hope I shared a little bit of my passion for this domain with you and you learned a thing or two.

Thanks for reading!

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