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Krishna Sarathi Ghosh
Krishna Sarathi Ghosh

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What are SVGs? An introduction for 5 year olds!


SVG - You've probably heard of it at least once, right? It stands for Super Versatile Graphics. No, just kidding! It actually stands for Scalable Vector Graphics, and it's a whole different beast compared to those pixelated JPEGs and PNGs. You see, while other image formats are like artists using tiny square paintbrushes (pixels) to create art, SVGs are like mathematicians and geometry wizards. They craft images with precision, making sure no matter how much you zoom in, they stay as crisp as a freshly laundered shirt.

Why Choose SVGs

So why should you be best friends with SVGs? Well, let me tell you:

  1. Incredible Scalability: SVGs are like the superheroes of images. They can be as big or small as you want, and they won't lose their cool. No pixelation or image degradation here!

  2. Responsive Design's BFF: If you're into responsive web design (who isn't?), SVGs are your sidekick. They adapt seamlessly to different screen sizes without breaking a sweat.

  3. Fewer HTTP Requests: SVGs can be coded right into your web page, reducing the number of requests needed to fetch images. Less hassle for your server and faster page loading!

Crafting SVGs

Now, how do you cook up an SVG? Well, there are some fancy visual programs like Adobe Illustrator, Figma, and Inkscape, but beneath their shiny interfaces, SVGs are all about lines of code. Yep, you heard it right, it's like HTML's cooler cousin! Here's a sneak peek of what SVG code looks like:

<svg xmlns="" width="200" height="200">
  <circle cx="100" cy="100" r="50" fill="red" />
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Fear not, it's not as confusing as it seems. And you might be tempted to go for those high-density JPGs and PNGs, but guess what, they come with a size tag. SVGs give you the power to tweak every inch of your image without diving into binary code. It's like having a conversation with your image without 0s and 1s! Just some lovely, human-readable words.

Learning SVGs in Style

Now, if you're eager to dive deeper into the magical world of SVGs, I've got some sources for you:

And if you're lazy like me, take a look at this video which will save a couple of minutes of your life - SVGs explained in 100 seconds. If you want the complete encyclopedia on SVGs, head over to the MDN SVG Tutorial.

Remember, SVGs are like your artistic canvas, and the web is your gallery. So go ahead, create, and make the web a more colorful and vibrant place!

Thanks for reading!

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