DEV Community

Krzysztof Platis
Krzysztof Platis

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How to create an Angular component with a different HTML tag than the selector 🏷

Usually the HTML tag of an Angular component is it's selector. But it's possible to create a component with a different host HTML element. If you want to create a component statically (in the HTML template), you can use an attribute selector defined in the @Component decorator. Or if you want to create a component dynamically via Angular API (e.g. createComponent() or ComponentFactory.create()), you can pass a custom host DOM element as a parameter.

Creating a component statically

TLDR: See the stackblitz: creating a component statically with a custom HTML tag.

Define a component with an attribute selector instead of element selector:

  // Note the brakets around `my-component`, denoting an "attribute selector" instead of "element selector"
  selector: '[my-component]' 
  /* ... */
export class MyComponent { /* ... */ }
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Then create this component with a custom HTML tag, by referencing it as an attribute:

<article my-component></article>
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Creating a component dynamically

TLDR: See the stackblitz: creating a component dynamically with a custom HTML tag .

Here, the selector doesn't matter. Can be even normal:

  selector: 'my-component' 
  /* ... */
export class MyComponent { /* ... */ }
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Then pass an existing DOM element as a host to the function for creating the component dynamically (e.g. to createComponent() from @angular/core):

import {
  /* ... */
} from '@angular/core';

export class ParentComponent {
    protected injector: Injector,
    protected environmentInjector: EnvironmentInjector,
    protected viewContainerRef: ViewContainerRef
  ) {}

  ngOnInit() {
    // create a fresh element, detached from DOM
    const hostElement = document.createElement('article');

    // create MyComponent, passing the `hostElement` param
    const component = createComponent(MyComponent, {
      hostElement, // <-----------------------------------
      environmentInjector: this.environmentInjector,
      elementInjector: this.injector,

    // insert this component into the `ViewContainerRef` of the parent component
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Note: The function createComponent() was added only in Angular 14.2 (see CHANGELOG). The same feature is available also in ComponentFactory (which is deprecated at the moment of writing).

See a similar example usage with ComponentFactory:

    protected injector: Injector,
    protected componentFactoryResolver: ComponentFactoryResolver,
    protected viewContainerRef: ViewContainerRef
  ) {}

  ngOnInit() {
    // create a fresh element, detached from DOM
    const hostElement = document.createElement('article');

    const componentFactory =
    // create MyComponent, passing the `hostElement` param
    const component = componentFactory.create(
      hostElement // <-----------------------------------
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Here you can find also the working example on stackblitz using ComponentFactory.

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