This is day 9 of my 30 day Elm challenge
About today's project
Goal: Deploy a project with a Python backend and Elm frontend.
Edit: Changed demo link from Heroku to Render.
Note: The 25th isn't a very big deal in Norway. We celebrated yesterday! :)
Table of contents
- About today's project
- Table of contents
- Background
- 0. Deployment is confusing
- 1. The Python program
- 2. Elm client
A while back, I made a Python program that uses astropy
to get the planets' exact distances from Earth at the current time.
The Sun for example is 8 light minutes away, which means that we're actually seeing what it looked like 8 minutes ago. Most of the planets are further away than that! :D
I improved my old code slightly, so today has been more of a Python/Heroku day, really.
Today, the goal is to just get the Python data into Elm.
0. Deployment is confusing
0.1 Heroku
Man, this was harder than expected.
Once I finally did get it up and working on Heroku, I tried doing it again just to be sure, and couldn't get the Python part working on the 2nd URL.
I would love to have a nice step-by-step list to let you know how I did finally did it, but that will have to come at a later time.
I don't know if I'm confused by Heroku or Python, but it's such a weird feeling to have something working fine on my machine, and failing just because I run it somewhere else.
Is this what Docker solves?
Edit 26th of december: Used instead
Firstly, lots of people really like Heroku, but I just can't figure out how to get my project working on it.
I got yesterday's project working somehow, except when I tried a second time, the front-end responded, but the /info
endpoint didn't. I'm sure there's a simple solution, but I'd much rather move on for now.
Looking around for alternatives, I came across Render. It's only free for static sites unfortunately, but I had my full Flask+Elm project up and running in a couple of minutes.
0.2.1 Folder structure
In the root folder, there are two important files:
and requirements.txt
The requirements file lists the packages we need:
Flask is a "lightweight WSGI web application framework". It's going to provide index.html
when visiting "/", and the astronomy data when visiting "/info.
Gunicorn: Web Server Gateway Interface (WSGI) server implementation that is commonly used to run Python web applications.
Astropy and Jplephem are needed to get astronomy data.
This is where you put files that are referenced by index.html
, such as JS, CSS, images, etc.
For this project, this is the destination of our elm make
This is where index.html
lives. I just copied it from "Embedding in HTML" here:
This is also where I put my Elm code, since it doesn't need to be available via a URL.
The command I used was elm make src/Main.elm --output=../static/main.js
Elm file contents
Almost the same as, except the url is simply "/info".
More on this under heading "2. Elm client".
0.2.2 Deployment
Create a new repo on GitHub, and then in the root folder:
git init
git add .
git commit -m "blabla"
git remote add ...
<!-- This will be written when you first create a new repo --> -
git push origin main
<!-- Or "master". Confusing, I know. -->
Then on Render, you just paste the URL of your repo, and you're done.
Here's my repo:
1. The Python program
1.1 Simple example
This is an extended version of an example from the astropy
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.time import Time
from astropy.coordinates import solar_system_ephemeris, EarthLocation
from astropy.coordinates import get_body
t = Time("2014-09-22 23:22")
loc = EarthLocation.of_site('greenwich')
with solar_system_ephemeris.set('builtin'):
jup = get_body('jupiter', t, loc)
print( * (1 * u.year).to(u.min))
print( * (1 * u.year).to(u.min).value)
Earlier today, jup.distance
gave me km, but now it gave me AU
(1 AU = average distance between Earth and Sun)
returns 9.398733376888508e-05 lyr
, which means 9.398 * 0.000001
. To get rid of the unit (lyr
), we add .value
On to today's main program:
1.2 Imports and setup
A lot of this is taken directly from the documentation:
from datetime import timedelta
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.coordinates import get_body, get_sun
from astropy.coordinates import solar_system_ephemeris, EarthLocation
from astropy.time import Time
from flask import Flask, send_from_directory
app = Flask(__name__)
import math
planets = [
current_time = Time(
location = EarthLocation.of_site('greenwich')
takes care of astronomy tasks and unit conversions. It's a wonderful package!
will do two things:
- Serve
at the root level (localhost:5000) - Serve the API at another URL (localhost:5000/get-info:mars for example)
I know Pluto isn't a planet, but I still included it anyway.
At my previous job, I did a lot of planetarium shows for both kids and adults, and the kids in particular would almost always ask about Pluto.
Greenwich is just one of many other available observatories you can use. It doesn't make any difference in my case, but it would be cool to list a user's closest observatory.
1.3 Serve Elm client
def show_client():
return send_from_directory("client", "index.html")
My Elm client is index.html
copied from
is compiled this way: elm make src/Main.elm --output=main.js
1.4 Get planet data
This is the most fun part. By visiting a URL, I can get back a bunch of planet info from my Python program!
First a couple of utility functions, and then the get_planet_info
def convert_km_to_light_minutes(distance):
return ( * (1 * u.year).to(u.min)).value
def get_xyz(p):
# Formula from:
(ra_hours, ra_minutes, ra_seconds) = p.ra.hms
dec_degrees = p.dec.deg
(_, dec_minutes, dec_seconds) = p.dec.hms
A = (ra_hours * 15) + (ra_minutes * 0.25) + (ra_seconds * 0.004166)
B = (abs(dec_degrees) + (dec_minutes / 60) +
(dec_seconds / 3600)) * (1 if dec_degrees < 0 else 0)
C =
X = (C * math.cos(B)) * math.cos(A)
Y = (C * math.cos(B)) * math.sin(A)
Z = C * math.sin(B)
return (X * 1_000_000, Y * 1_000_000, Z * 1_000_000)
def get_planet_info():
planet_info = {}
with solar_system_ephemeris.set('de432s'):
for planet in planets:
p = get_body(planet, current_time, location)
planet_info[planet] = {
"lightMinutes": convert_km_to_light_minutes(p.distance),
"xyz": get_xyz(p)
sun = get_sun(current_time)
planet_info["Sol"] = {
"lightMinutes": convert_km_to_light_minutes(sun.distance),
"xyz": get_xyz(sun)
return planet_info
if __name__ == "__main__":'')
line at the end looked different when I started, but all the Heroku googling just had me change it along the way.
I might use the XYZ coordinates later. :)
returns data as JSON, which looks like this:
"Jupiter": {
"lightMinutes": 49.53385297772392,
"xyz": [
// ... all the other planets
My plan for another day is to use this information to:
- Let you know at if you observe Jupiter at 11:49, you will actually see what it looked like at 11:00.
- I want to show the planets' angles in relation to the sun. I hope the
numbers will be good enough.
2. Elm client
The project root directory is for the Python program.
My Elm program is in its own sub-folder called client
Today's Elm program is really boring, to be honest. If it weren't for the button, you could just switch the URL from this example to "http://localhost:5000/info" :D
module Main exposing (Model(..), Msg(..), init, main, subscriptions, update, view)
import Browser
import Html exposing (Html, button, div, pre, text)
import Html.Attributes exposing (style)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick)
import Http
main =
{ init = init
, update = update
, subscriptions = subscriptions
, view = view
type Model
= Failure
| Loading
| Success String
init : () -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init _ =
( Loading
, Cmd.none
type Msg
= GotText (Result Http.Error String)
| ButtonClicked
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
GotText result ->
case result of
Ok fullText ->
( Success fullText, Cmd.none )
Err _ ->
( Failure, Cmd.none )
ButtonClicked ->
( Loading
, Http.get
{ url = ""
, expect = Http.expectString GotText
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
case model of
Failure ->
text "oi"
Loading ->
button [ onClick ButtonClicked, style "padding" "1rem" ] [ text "Load data from Python backend" ]
Success fullText ->
pre [] [ text fullText ]
I'm really tired from all the confusion today, so please excuse me while I go to bed immediately. :D
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