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Discussion on: Discuss: What is your Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)?

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Kasey Speakman • Edited

I ended up being ISFP-T, aka the Adventurer. I only answered in the context of work. I have to say, on the whole it seems spot on (about work things).

Edit: I read the briefs on the Architect, the Logician, and the Advocate, and found a few points in each of those which strongly correlated to me (like the Logician sharing thoughts that are not fully formed and using conversation as a sounding board to develop their ideas further -- that's totally me). The Adventurer result I got most strongly correlated to me as a whole, but it is certainly not comprehensive.

I've done numerous personality tests over the years as group activities. They are always just one (limited) model of a person, and as such it provides some (limited) value in understanding how to interact with them. But you can't take it too seriously. A personality profile and a person have an infinite difference in depth.

I also find that a single individual's personality varies based on situation. To provide any value, you have to have a "scene" in mind, like work or home.