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Discussion on: What's your favorite resource for teaching kids (e.g. 8-12) how to program?

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Kasey Speakman • Edited

I started mentoring a youth recently, and I can really recommend BitsBox. The student writes actual code (typing in a base snippet and then playing with it), and the output is very visual. The student can track their progress by putting a sticker on the progress card once they have done a program. They ship good quality materials (binder, laminated lesson cards), so they are reusable and shareable. They also follow a curriculum, and they provide a bit of room for the learner to experiment. It does cost, however, since they ship physical materials. But I believe it is worth it.

Note: This curriculum is primarily object/procedural -- most of them are. I would love to know if you find any FP resources for youth.

Edit: I just played with code combat, and it would have been something that really appealed to me as a kid. Comparatively, Bitsbox with physical materials has a very hands-on feel that seems to work better for my current student.