This document describes how to download a file using libtorrent code.
First of all, I show you a code to download a data with libtorrent
//LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib/ g++ main_tiny_client.cpp -o tiny_client.out -ltorrent-rasterbar -lpthread
void print_usage(std::string);
std::string my_listen_interfaces = "";// ",[::]:6881" "{E4F0B674-0DFC-48BB-98A5-2AA730BDB6D6}:7777"
std::string target_torrentfile_path = "./a.torrent";
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) try {
lt::settings_pack session_params;
session_params.set_int(lt::settings_pack::alert_mask, lt::alert_category::all);
if(my_listen_interfaces.length() != 0) {
session_params.set_str(lt::settings_pack::listen_interfaces, my_listen_interfaces);
lt::session session(session_params);
lt::add_torrent_params torrent_params;// = lt::parse_magnet_uri("<your magnet link>");
torrent_params.save_path = ".data"; // save in current dir
torrent_params.ti = std::make_shared<lt::torrent_info>(target_torrentfile_path);
lt::torrent_handle h = session.add_torrent(std::move(torrent_params));
while (true)
std::vector<lt::alert *> alerts;
lt::state_update_alert *st;
for (lt::alert *a : alerts)
std::cout << "[" << a->type() << "](" << a->what() << ") " << a->message() << std::endl;
switch (a->type())
case lt::state_update_alert::alert_type:
st = (lt::state_update_alert *)(a);
lt::torrent_status const &s = st->status[0];
std::cout << '\r' //<< lt::state(s.state) << ' '
<< (s.download_payload_rate / 1000) << " kB/s "
<< (s.total_done / 1000) << " kB ("
<< (s.progress_ppm / 10000) << "%) downloaded ("
<< s.num_peers << " peers)\x1b[K";
case lt::torrent_finished_alert::alert_type:
std::cout << ">> finished : ==" << std::endl;
goto END;
case lt::torrent_error_alert::alert_type:
std::cout << ">> error : ==" << std::endl;
goto END;
return 0;
catch (std::exception &e)
std::cerr << "Error: " << e.what() << std::endl;
Load Torrent File (Meta info)
In the Bittorrent protocol, A Bittorrent client uses a torrenfile to get information to connection other peer.
A Torrent Client get tracker server address and data informatiom to be downloaded from the torrentfile.
lt::add_torrent_params atp;
atp.ti = std::make_shared<lt::torrent_info>(target_torrentfile_path);
lt::torrent_handle h = session.add_torrent(std::move(atp));
Create Session
In this libtorrent, A Torrent client use a session object to manage p2p resource;
lt::settings_pack p;
lt::session session(p);
Add MetaInfo to Session
Once the torrent file information is added to the session object, the session object will start downloading and uploading data.
lt::add_torrent_params torrent_params;
torrent_params.ti = std::make_shared<lt::torrent_info>(target_torrentfile_path);
lt::torrent_handle h = session.add_torrent(std::move(torrent_params));
Manage Events
A Torrent Client can receive alert info as notification.
First of All, you can set parameters about which event is received.
lt::settings_pack session_params;
session_params.set_int(lt::settings_pack::alert_mask, lt::alert_category::all);
lt::session session(session_params);
And, receive events and display on console.
while (true)
std::vector<lt::alert *> alerts;
lt::state_update_alert *st;
for (lt::alert *a : alerts)
std::cout << "[" << a->type() << "](" << a->what() << ") " << a->message() << std::endl;
} std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(1000));
You can now download data with libtorrent!!
My Memo About Libtorrent And Index
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