A teammate recently posted a question on our Team's channel, asking how to programmatically query to find out an Azure Region's pair. Easy I thought - except it turns out, this isn't exposed in the standard PowerShell commands, nor in the Azure CLI.
The PowerShell command Get-AzLocation only returns the Location, DisplayName, and Providers:
PS C:\> Get-AzLocation|ft
Location DisplayName Providers
-------- ----------- ---------
eastasia East Asia {Microsoft.Media, Microsoft.HDInsight, Microsoft.SqlVirtualMachine, Microsoft.DevOps...}
southeastasia Southeast Asia {Microsoft.Media, Microsoft.HDInsight, Microsoft.DataShare, Microsoft.SqlVirtualMachine...}
centralus Central US {Microsoft.Media, Microsoft.HDInsight, Microsoft.SqlVirtualMachine, Microsoft.DevOps...}
eastus East US {Microsoft.Media, Microsoft.HDInsight, Microsoft.DataShare, Microsoft.SqlVirtualMachine...}
Meanwhile, the Azure CLI returns more info, but not the pair:
PS C:\> az account list-locations
DisplayName Latitude Longitude Name
-------------------- ---------- ----------- ------------------
East Asia 22.267 114.188 eastasia
Southeast Asia 1.283 103.833 southeastasia
Central US 41.5908 -93.6208 centralus
East US 37.3719 -79.8164 eastus
East US 2 36.6681 -78.3889 eastus2
West US 37.783 -122.417 westus
All hope is not lost! You can find the region's pair, but you need to query the Azure REST api directly, as documented at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/resources/Subscriptions/ListLocations. In the past, you'd need to fire up your favorite REST client (eg, armclient, Vscode + rest client extension, Postman, etc), but in exploring this, I learned an easier way: You can now make Azure REST calls directly from the CLI! Here's what that looks like: (Replace {yoursubid} with your specific subscription id)
az rest --method GET --uri https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/{yoursubid}/locations?api-version=2020-01-01 --output json
"value": [
"displayName": "East US",
"id": "/subscriptions/{yoursubid}/locations/eastus",
"metadata": {
"geographyGroup": "US",
"latitude": "37.3719",
"longitude": "-79.8164",
"pairedRegion": [
"id": "/subscriptions/{yoursubid}/locations/westus",
"name": "westus"
"physicalLocation": "Virginia",
"regionCategory": "Recommended",
"regionType": "Physical"
"name": "eastus",
"regionalDisplayName": "(US) East US"
What's really cool is you can use the CLI's built-in jmespath query engine to filter and massage the results, eg: (Column1 is the region, and Column2 is the pair)
az rest --method GET --uri https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/{yoursubid}/locations?api-version=2020-01-01 --output table --query 'value[].[name,metadata.pairedRegion[].name]'
Column1 Column2
------------------- ----------------------
eastus ['westus']
eastus2 ['centralus']
southcentralus ['northcentralus']
westus2 ['westcentralus']
australiaeast ['australiasoutheast']
(I'm still working on my jmespath ninja skills, so there's still a little cleanup to be done on this table, but it gets the point across.)
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