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Lasse Foo-Rafn
Lasse Foo-Rafn

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Best Practices for Maintaining Code Health

Best Practices for Maintaining Code Health

Want to keep your code in top shape? Here's how:

  1. Write clear, readable code

  2. Use version control effectively

  3. Conduct regular code reviews

  4. Implement thorough testing strategies

  5. Refactor and improve existing code

  6. Document your code properly

Key benefits of healthy code:

  • Fewer bugs

  • Faster development

  • Easier maintenance

  • Improved team productivity

Here's a quick comparison of healthy vs. unhealthy code:

Aspect Healthy Code Unhealthy Code
Readability Easy to understand Confusing, complex
Maintainability Simple to update Difficult to modify
Performance Efficient Slow, resource-heavy
Testing Designed for easy testing Hard to test
Documentation Well-documented Poorly explained

By following these practices, you'll create code that's easier to work with, less prone to errors, and more valuable to your team and users.

What is Code Health?

Code health measures how well-written and maintainable your software is. It's not just about making code work—it's about creating code that's easy to read, update, and scale.

Signs of Healthy Code

Healthy code is:

  • Easy for other developers to understand

  • Simple to update and fix

  • Fast and resource-efficient

  • Designed with testing in mind

Signs of Unhealthy Code

Unhealthy code often has:

  • Overly complicated structures

  • Repeated code (violating DRY principle)

  • Poor organization and naming

  • Lack of documentation

Effects on Development

Code health can make or break your development process:

Aspect Healthy Code Unhealthy Code
Development Speed 124% faster Slower, more time on fixes
Defect Rate 15 times fewer defects More bugs and issues
Maintenance Costs Lower long-term costs Higher costs, frequent rewrites
Team Morale Higher satisfaction Frustration and burnout

OtterWise, a code coverage reporting tool, reports how much code is covered by tests, as well as how complex and difficult/risky to change it is.

Jean-Rene Branaa, Senior QA Analyst at Wikimedia Foundation, says:

"At a basic level, code health is about how easily software can be modified to correct faults, improve performance, or add new capabilities."

To keep code healthy:

1. Set clear coding standards

2. Use descriptive names for functions and variables

3. Design with testability in mind

4. Ensure reliable build processes

Basic Rules for Healthy Code

Want your code to stay in shape? Here's how:

Write Clear Code

Clear code is a breeze to read. Here's the secret sauce:

  • Name things so a 5-year-old could guess what they do

  • Keep functions short and sweet

  • Ditch the nested spaghetti

Check this out:

# Meh
def x(a, b):
    return a + b

# Much better!
def add_numbers(first_number, second_number):
    return first_number + second_number
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Organize Like a Pro

Good organization = happy developers:

  • Group similar stuff together

  • Stick to a file structure

  • Keep your business logic and UI separate

Follow the Rules

Consistency is key. Here's a quick cheat sheet:

Rule Do This
Indentation 4 spaces or 1 tab
Line length 80-120 characters max
Naming camelCase (JS), snake_case (Python)

Mark Trego drops this wisdom:

"Adding comments to your code is a tip that spans every programming language. It makes updating, debugging, analysis and other post-programming activities easier and more efficient."

But don't go comment-crazy. Focus on the "why", not the "what".

Using Version Control Well

Version control keeps your code healthy. Here's how to use it right:

Making the Most of Version Control

Git is the top choice for most devs. Use it like this:

  • Commit often

  • Write clear commit messages

  • Branch for new features or fixes

Don't just say "Updated code". Instead, try:

Add login functionality
- Implement user authentication
- Create login form
- Handle form submission
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Managing Code Branches

Branching keeps your main code stable. Here's a simple strategy:

Branch Type Purpose Name
Main Stable code main
Development Ongoing work develop
Feature New features feature/name
Hotfix Urgent fixes hotfix/name

Atlassian uses a branch-per-task approach. They include issue keys in branch names to track which code tackles which issue.

Writing Good Commit Messages

Clear messages help your team get changes fast. Try this:

1. Use imperative mood in the subject:

  • Good: "Fix login bug"

  • Bad: "Fixed login bug"

2. Keep it under 50 characters.

3. Add details in the body:

Fix login bug

- Update authentication logic
- Add error handling for invalid credentials
- Improve input validation on login form
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Your commit history tells what happened and why. Make it clear!

"GitHub Flow keeps the master code always deployable, supporting continuous integration and delivery." - Git Best Practices Author

Code Review Methods

Code reviews keep code healthy. They catch bugs, share knowledge, and boost quality. Here's how to do them right:

Setting Up Code Reviews

To set up good reviews:

1. Define goals: What do you want from reviews? Better quality? Fewer bugs? Knowledge sharing?

2. Create guidelines: Make a checklist for reviewers to follow.

3. Pick tools: Choose what fits your team. GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket all work well.

4. Set quality gates: Checks code must pass before merging. For example:

Gate Description
Tests All unit and integration tests pass
Coverage 80%+ of new code covered by tests, use tools like OtterWise
Analysis No critical issues in tools like Rector, PHPStan and ESLint

5. Train your team: Teach everyone how to give and take feedback.

Peer Review Tips

Good peer reviews boost code quality. Try these:

  • Review 200-400 lines at a time

  • Review quickly after submission

  • Focus on code, not the coder

  • Ask questions if something's unclear

  • Use a checklist for consistency

"Code reviews increase quality and share knowledge among team members." - Palantir Blog

Automated Review Tools

Automated tools catch issues early. Popular ones include:

  • OtterWise: Checks complexity and coverage

  • ESLint: Finds JavaScript problems

  • Snaky for security and license issues

Automated tools are great, but don't replace human reviews. Use both for best results.

"Snyk's automation lets us focus on feature development instead of manual security work. Their alerts via Pull Requests shrink our triage and remediation flow to a simple merge." - Peter Vanhee, Engineering Practice Lead - Comic Relief

Testing for Healthy Code

Testing keeps your code in shape. Let's look at three key test types:

Writing Good Unit Tests

Unit tests check small code bits. They're your testing foundation. Here's how to nail them:

  • Test one thing

  • Keep it simple and fast

  • Use clear names

  • Follow AAA: Arrange, Act, Assert

Check out this Java unit test:

public void addAppleCharges50Cents() {
    CashRegister register = new CashRegister();
    int expectedCost = 50;
    int actualCost = register.getAmount();
    assertEquals(expectedCost, actualCost);
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See? Clear, focused, and follows AAA.

Testing Whole Systems

System tests look at the big picture. They make sure everything plays nice together. Remember:

  • Test real user actions

  • Check part interactions

  • Look for full-system issues

End-to-end tests are great for this. Here's one using Gherkin:

Feature: Supermarket Bundles
    To boost sales as a Supermarket Manager,
    I want to apply discounts to customers

Scenario: Customer buys 3 apples, pays $1.00
    Given apples cost 50 cents each
    And there's a "buy 3 apples, pay 2" deal
    When the cashier scans 3 apples
    Then the cash register charges $1.00
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This test covers a full user action, from scanning to discounts.

Test-Driven Development (TDD)

TDD flips the script: tests first, code second. It catches issues early and improves design. Here's the flow:

  1. Write a failing test

  2. Code just enough to pass

  3. Refactor

  4. Repeat

TDD makes you think before you code and gives you a safety net.

"TDD promotes code minimalism, encouraging developers to write just enough code to pass the tests, which leads to a lean codebase that is easier to understand and maintain."

Improving Existing Code

Let's talk about keeping your code healthy. Here's how to spot issues, fix them, and use tools to help.

Spotting Code to Improve

Look for these red flags:

  • Duplicate code

  • Long methods

  • Large classes

  • Unclear names

  • Dead code

Ways to Improve Code

Here's how to fix common issues:

1. Break down long methods

Split big functions into smaller ones. It's easier to understand and test.

2. Use design patterns

Apply proven solutions to common problems. The Strategy pattern can replace complex conditionals.

3. Remove duplication

Make repeated code reusable. Follow the DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) principle.

4. Rename for clarity

Use clear, descriptive names. Your future self will thank you.

5. Delete dead code

Cut unused code. Less clutter, less maintenance.

Tools for Code Improvement

These tools can help:

Tool Purpose Key Feature
Rector Refactoring and upgrades for PHP Automated upgrades
Visual Studio IntelliCode AI-assisted coding Smart code completions
Eclipse IDE Java development Built-in refactoring
Rider .NET development Smart inspections

Improving code is ongoing. Make small changes over time to keep your code healthy without breaking things.

"Refactoring is a change made to the internal structure of software to make it easier to understand and cheaper to modify without changing its observable behavior." - Martin Fowler

Remember: Good code is like a good joke. If you have to explain it, it's bad.

Writing About Your Code

Good code docs keep your codebase healthy. Here's how to write about your code effectively:

Creating Good Code Docs

Documentation helps others understand your code. Do it well:

  • Write a clear README with:

    • Project description
    • Installation steps
    • Usage examples
  • Use standard tools like JSDoc, docstrings, or JavaDoc

  • Explain the "why" behind complex code

Here's a good Python docstring:

def calculate_total_price(item_price, quantity):
    Calculate the total price of items.

    :param float item_price: The price of a single item.
    :param int quantity: The quantity of items.
    :return: The total price.
    :rtype: float
    return item_price * quantity
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Adding Helpful Comments

Comments can make or break readability. Use them wisely:

  • Comment on complex logic, not obvious code

  • Keep comments up-to-date

  • Use clear, concise language

"Obsolete comments are worse than no comments." - Douglas Crockford

Good code often speaks for itself. As Uncle Bob says:

"A comment is a failure to express yourself in code. If you fail, then write a comment; but try not to fail."

Keeping Docs Up-to-Date

Outdated docs mislead. Keep them current:

  • Update docs as you code

  • Review docs during code reviews

  • Use tools to automate doc generation

Tool Purpose Best For
Storybook UI component documentation Frontend developers
Compodoc Automated documentation Angular projects


Keeping your code healthy isn't a one-and-done deal. It's an ongoing process that needs constant attention. But don't worry - if you follow the tips we've covered, you'll be well on your way to better, safer, and easier-to-maintain code.

Here's what you need to remember:

1. Security first, always

Don't wait until the end to think about security. Bake it into your process from day one. It's way easier (and cheaper) to fix issues early on.

2. Let the machines do the work

Use automation tools in your CI/CD pipeline. They'll catch a lot of issues before they become real problems.

3. Learn and work together

Keep learning about secure coding. Share what you know with your team. And don't be afraid to give (or get) feedback.

4. Review, review, review

Code reviews are your friend. They catch bugs, keep your code consistent, and help everyone learn. Use a checklist to make sure you're not missing anything important.

5. Keep score

Track your code health metrics with tools such as OtterWise. They'll show you where you're doing well and where you need to improve.


How do you maintain code quality?

Keeping your code top-notch isn't a one-time thing. It's an ongoing process. Here's how to do it:

1. Set clear coding rules

Get your team on the same page. It keeps your code consistent.

2. Test, test, test

Write automated tests. They catch bugs early and make sure everything works as it should.

3. Use version control

Tools like Git are your friends. They track changes and help your team work together smoothly.

4. Clean up regularly

Don't let your code get messy. Take time to improve it. It'll save you headaches later.

5. Review each other's work

Fresh eyes catch things you might miss. Plus, it's a great way to learn from your teammates.

6. Let computers do the boring stuff

Use a linter. It'll check your code automatically and catch silly mistakes.

7. Talk to other coders

Share what you know. Learn from others. It's how you get better.

Here's a quick look at why these practices matter:

Practice Why it's good
Clear rules Keeps code consistent
Lots of tests Catches problems early
Version control Tracks changes easily
Regular cleanup Makes code easier to work with
Code reviews Catches issues, spreads knowledge
Automatic checks Enforces rules without thinking
Team talks Makes everyone better

Do these things every day. Your code will thank you.

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