
How Do You Keep Track of Awesome Resources?

Gift Egwuenu on October 15, 2018

Often times, I find awesome resources on the web, most of it I can't really read or skimp through at that moment. So what comes to my mind is to ei...
stacy profile image
Stacy Montemayor

I've been using Trello to save and organize all my different learning resources and it usually works really well for me.

This is a great repo, and I've got some backend resources that I'll get added over the next couple of days!

lauragift21 profile image
Gift Egwuenu

Thanks Stacy. I once used Trello for organizing my learning roadmap. Happy to have you contribute more backend resources :)

stacy profile image
Stacy Montemayor


thomashighbaugh profile image
Thomas Leon Highbaugh

Awesome resource and idea!

I believe in backups, lots of forms of backups. So I use Notion's trello like template to save resources, export it here and there as a markdown file I put on various clouds (Dropbox, OneDrive, Google Drive, my local Nextcloud) as well as use a Trello board.

When I get time putting those resources up at (which also benefits other people)

bzdata profile image

I used IFTTT recipes and Trello. Previous to that a bunch of markdown files I tagged on Dropbox.

gregorys100 profile image
Gregory Sequeira

How do use IFTTT recipes? Can you share an example with me please.

bzdata profile image

Some recipes I've used

  • Label an email in gmail and it goes to my Trello board
  • If I hear something while at home, I used Amazon Alexa's app to place in my Trello or Reminders app
yo profile image

Very useful! Love to see more resources to be added.

oksanaborukh profile image
Oksana Borukh

I've used Trello, Pocket, MeisterTask and Padlet.

david_j_eddy profile image
David J Eddy

I add them to a link list on my blog, and the be super sure I do not lose them the VPS is imaged weekly.

juanfrank77 profile image
Juan F Gonzalez

I personally add all the links that I found very relevant in a .txt file hahaha