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Discussion on: When did you start to learn productivity-boosting techniques and development tools? 🧰⏩

lbeul profile image
Louis • Edited

Tooling is just about the little helpers you use to make your life easier. I think it's useful if you'd done it in "the original way" (notepad and so on) once, but that's enough imo.

To put it in a kind of "Fast & the Furious" metaphor: It's not the car that wins a race but its driver who does.

In school, we have to use old-fashioned Text Editors like Notepad++ to write PHP WebApps. Our teacher thinks that VSCode or alike are to helpful (and he thinks that everything with a beautiful UI is equal to WYSIWYG appearantly...) for us.

It's mind-bugging. I miss those simple features like auto-completion, smart linting, spell chekers and even a damn lorem-ipsum add-on.

Those tools would make my life a lot easier because they improve my workflow. I would be faster and less sloppy and my would would be cleaner.

robole profile image
Rob OLeary • Edited

In education, there does seem to be a dichotomy of thought: if you teach using an IDE from day 1, students will miss the concept of compilation and code packaging; or use an IDE from day 1 because that's what you will use in a workplace. I don't see why you couldn't show students both ways, feel the pain in the beginning, and then the satisfaction of eradicating micro-tasks such as complication and reloading resources with tools. But what I never see is a class dedicated to workflow and tooling. I think there is a place for that. Tools do have a bigger role than helpers though, to support older browsers and make more maintainable code, transpilers (babel) and bundlers (web pack) are main-stays of web development now, you will probably use these in a professional environment.