DEV Community

Louis profile picture


Student from Germany who fell in love with coding and the tech industry after pivoting from a traditional career in banking. Currently pursuing a Bachelor's in CompSci.

Location Berlin, Germany Joined Joined on  github website


Studying Computer Science in Berlin, Germany


Front End Engineer (Co-Op)

Five Year Club
Writing Debut
Four Year Club
Three Year Club
Two Year Club
One Year Club
Hacktoberfest 2019
Solidify your JavaScript Knowledge with "Just JavaScript"

Solidify your JavaScript Knowledge with "Just JavaScript"

1 min read

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Explain Backend like I'm five.

Explain Backend like I'm five.

Comments 8
1 min read
Your favourite non-technical books?

Your favourite non-technical books?

Comments 51
1 min read
How to start freelancing as a beginner?

How to start freelancing as a beginner?

Comments 26
1 min read
What's your advice for future CS students?

What's your advice for future CS students?

Comments 25
1 min read
Is Blockchain really changing the world at all?

Is Blockchain really changing the world at all?

Comments 23
1 min read
What learning path should I take to learn underlying concepts and principles?

What learning path should I take to learn underlying concepts and principles?

Comments 10
1 min read
How Learning to Code can change your Life

How Learning to Code can change your Life

Comments 1
6 min read