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Leandro Proença
Leandro Proença

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A comprehensive introduction to Ruby

Another tutorial for learning Ruby? Absolutely not. This guide is different from the typical tutorials you'll find online.

As someone new to Ruby, you've likely already completed a few tutorials. Instead of providing yet another tutorial, this guide aims to offer unique insights and valuable resources to help you further your understanding of Ruby.

But I've never completed any tutorial in Ruby

Even if you haven't completed any tutorials, this guide is designed to help you from the very beginning. By focusing on understanding the fundamentals, you'll be able to practice with greater confidence and build a solid foundation in Ruby.


In this article, we'll cover the following topics:

  • An overview of how Ruby is implemented
  • A brief history of Ruby
  • A short discussion of some of the key features of Ruby
  • A simple "Hello, world" example in Ruby
  • An introduction to IRB (Interactive Ruby)
  • A short look at the data types in Ruby
  • An exploration of why everything in Ruby is an object

🖖 First things first

Ruby is a versatile general-purpose language that can be used across various domains, from web development to IoT.

However, it has gained significant adoption in the web development industry, particularly in the startup scene since the mid-2000s.

It can be downloaded in several ways, including using a Docker image for those who prefer using Docker.

💎 How is Ruby implemented

If you downloaded Ruby from the official website or used the default Docker image, you likely have the standard Ruby implementation: CRuby, which is primarily written in C.

Although there are several implementations of Ruby, such as JRuby and Rubinius, CRuby is the most commonly used among major companies such as Shopify and Github.

⌛ A time travel to the Ruby's history

Ruby was created in the early 1990s by Yukiriro Matsumoto, or "Matz", a programmer and computer scientist in Japan.

🟢 1993, where it all started

Matz started the Ruby implementation in 1993, drawing inspiration from existing languages like Perl and Smalltalk. His implementation was called CRuby, or "MRI" (Matz Ruby Interpreter).

👉 Ruby is interpreted
CRuby is an interpreter, meaning that the source code is not compiled into optimized code; instead, it is interpreted line-by-line and translated to low-level instructions during execution.

CRuby before YARV

🟢 1995-2000, big in Japan

Ruby was first released publicly in 1995, and until 1999, several features and improvements were added to the standard library. However, its adoption remained limited to Japan.

In 2000, Dave Thomas and Andy Hunt published the first English-book on Ruby, "Programming Ruby" (a.k.a The Pickaxe Book), which played a crucial role in popularizing Ruby outside of Japan.

🟢 2004, Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails, a web application framework built with Ruby, was released by David Heinemeier Hansson (a.k.a DHH). This framework played a significant role in Ruby's widespread adoption in the web development community.

🟢 2007, meet YARV

CRuby was known to have various performance problems due to its interpretation process, lacking a compilation process such as JIT (Just-in-time compilation).

During the development of version 1.9, the Ruby core team decided to refactor a significant portion of the CRuby source code. This resulted in the creation of the Ruby VM, which was integrated into the CRuby interpreter.

The new VM, called YARV (Yet Another Ruby VM, duhh :P), takes the parsed tree (AST) and generates a bytecode instead of low-level instructions, enabling optimizations to be made. This bytecode is then translated into optimized low-level instructions, resulting in improved performance.


Later, in the version 2.6, a new JIT was introduced, called MJIT. This uses a separate thread to perform optimizations on a portion of Ruby code, which are then joined during the execution process.


🟢 2021, the Ruby 3.0

After years of continuous improvement, Ruby 3.0 was realeased in 2021, introducing new features to address the lack of concurrency, parallelism, and async I/O.

Ractors were introduced to enable parallelism on CPU, while Fibers brought a new scheduler interface that enables cooperative scheduling. When used with non-blocking I/O, this allows for faster Ruby applications that are heavily I/O bound.

🟢 YJIT, a new hope

The Ruby core team is currently developing a new version of Ruby that includes a faster JIT compiler called YJIT. This new JIT is expected to be faster than the current MJIT, providing significant performance improvements for Ruby applications.

💎 Ruby key features

Ruby is a high-level programming language that uses an interpreter to translate Ruby code into low-level code.

Some of the key features of Ruby include:

👉 Dynamic types
Ruby is a dynamically typed language, which means that variable types are determined at runtime.

👉 Object oriented
Not only Ruby supports OOP, everything in Ruby is an object, including primitive data types like numbers and strings. By using dynamic dispatch, Ruby combines data and behaviour for almost everything in a Ruby program.

👉 Mixins
Ruby uses mixins instead of multiple inheritance, which allows for modular and reusable code. Mixins are achieved through the use of modules, which can be included in classes to provide additional functionality.

👉 Garbage collected
Ruby brings automatic memory management, taking care of allocating and freeing memory of objects as needed. This process is called Garbage Collection, or GC.

👉 Metaprogramming
Ruby allows for metaprogramming, which means that you can write code that generates or modifies other code at runtime. This feature enables expressive and flexible programming techniques like domain-specific languages (DSLs).

👉 Functional programming
Although Ruby is not a purely functional language, it supports functional programming concepts like high-order functions and immutable data structures. It also includes functional constructs like blocks, procs and lambdas, which enable the creation of expressive and concise code.

💎 Hello, world

Every programming language deserves a "Hello, world" example, and Ruby is no exception. Here's the simplest "Hello, world" program you can write in Ruby:

$ ruby -e 'print "Hello, world\n"'
Hello, world

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  • ruby is the CRuby interpreter that takes an input in the form of Ruby source code
  • the -e option allows Ruby code to be passed directly to the command line instead of from a source file
  • print is a method in Ruby that outputs arbitrary text to STDOUT
  • the message is finished with a \n character, which ensures the output is properly formatted and doesn't overlap the next line in the shell

Alternatively, Ruby provides a method called puts that automatically appends a \n character to the given text:

$ ruby -e 'puts "Hello, world"'
Hello, world

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Ruby's interactive shell, known as IRB (Interactive Ruby), provides a convenient way to experiment with Ruby code and test small code snippets without needing to write and execute a full program.

$ irb

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Now, in IRB:

1 + 1
=> 2

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💎 Data Types

Ruby includes data types commonly used in mainstream technologies:

| Data Type  | Examples                     |
| Integer    | 42, -10, 0                   |
| Float      | 3.14, -1.23e-4               |
| Boolean    | true, false                  |
| String     | "Hello, world!", 'Ruby'      |
| Array      | [1, 2, 3],                   |
|            | ['apple', 'banana', 'cherry']|
| Hash       | {name: 'Alice', age: 25}     |
| Symbol     | :name, :age, :status         |
| Nil        | nil                          |

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👉 Ruby is dynamically typed
As mentioned earlier, Ruby is a dynamically-typed language, meaning that variable types are determined at runtime.

name = "Leandro"
age = 18

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It's worth noting that Ruby doesn't require variable type specifications.

Instead, the interpreter dynamically infers the value's data type at runtime, allowing programs to execute successfully without explicit type declarations.

We can confirm this behavior by calling the class method on variables:

=> String

=> Integer

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But how it's possible to call methods from primitive data types in Ruby?

💎 Everything in Ruby is an object

Since everything in Ruby is an object, even primitive data types such as strings and integers can have instance methods called on them.

This makes Ruby a highly object-oriented language, where every piece of data is represented as an object with its own state and behavior.

=> 80

=> 37

=> Integer

=> 3

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Before we dive deeper into object-oriented programming in Ruby, it's important to understand what an object is and how it works in the context of the language.


Alan Kay, one of the pioneers of object-oriented programming (OOP), defined an object as a unit of software that encapsulates data and behavior.

This definition means that an object combines data (state) and the code that manipulates that data (behavior), resulting in a more modular and organized approach to programming.

🔵 OOP in Ruby

To create objects in Ruby, we need to define a template that can generate multiple objects. In Ruby, this template is defined using the class keyword:

class Account

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Objects in Ruby, also called instances, can be created by calling the method new in the class: # an instance of the Account class # another instance # yet another instance

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We can confirm that an instance object represents the Account class and holds an object ID by calling the instance methods class and object_id:

account =

=> Account

=> 60

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👉 Classes are objects too
Remember, everything in Ruby is an object. Classes are no different.

Classes are just instances created from the class Class:

=> Class

=> 80

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classes are objects

👉 Also, Integers are objects
We can represent the integers as instances from the Integer class, since Integer is an instance of the Class class:

Integers are objects

👉 Single inheritance

Ruby uses single inheritance, which means that every class inherits from a single superclass. It's worth noting that every class in Ruby will inherit from the BasicObject parent class in some way.

We can verify this behavior in Ruby by examining class hierarchies:     # Account
Account.class         # Class
Account.superclass    # Object

1.class               # Integer
Integer.class         # Class
Integer.superclass    # Numeric
Numeric.superclass    # Object

Class.superclass      # Module
Module.superclass     # Object

Object.superclass      # BasicObject
BasicObject.superclass # nil

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Based on the example above, here's a portion of the Ruby class hierarchy:

class hierarchy

🔵 Modeling OOP in Ruby

In Ruby, everything is an object, which means that instances can hold state (attributes) and behavior (methods).

In our current implementation, the Account class has no visible state or behavior, as it inherits all of its attributes and methods from the Object class. However, let's say we want every Account instance to have a starting balance of zero.

Let's see the solution.

👉 The initialize method
Ruby provides a special method called initialize, which is automatically called every time a new instance is created (i.e., when is called).

By default, initialize is empty, so there's no need to define it. However, since we want to modify the initialization of the object, we should override the initialize method:

class Account
  def initialize
    @amount = 0

leandro =
john =

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You might be wondering about the @ character that appears before the variable name in our example. In Ruby, variables inside methods are typically treated as local variables by default:

def some_method
  name = "Leandro"

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It's important to note that local variables within methods are discarded by the interpreter when the method is finished.

To store variables that should persist during the lifetime of an object (i.e., its state), we should use instance variables instead. In Ruby, instance variables are denoted by the @ symbol.

Here's a visual representation of instance variables:

initialize with instance variable

👉 Objects in Ruby are encapsulated
In Ruby, an instance's state is private by default, which means that we cannot directly access an object's state from outside the object. Instead, we can use instance methods to retrieve or modify the object's state.

To demonstrate this, we can create an instance method called balance, which will return the current balance of the account object:

class Account
  def initialize
    @balance = 0

  def balance

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With the balance method defined, we can now retrieve the current balance of our account instance:

leandro =

=> 0

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It's true that state without manipulation is often useless. To make our Account class more practical, we can define another instance method that will modify the balance:

class Account
  def initialize
    @balance = 0

  def balance

  def set_balance(balance)
    @balance = balance

leandro =

=> 10

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In the set_balance method, it's important to understand the difference between balance and @balance:

  • balance is a local variable that exists only during the lifetime of the method execution.
  • @balance is an instance variable that persists during the lifetime of the instance object.

👉 Syntactic sugar all the way
Now, suppose we want to modify the balance using a setter method. In Ruby, we can define setter methods by appending an = sign to the method name, like so: balance=(balance):

class Account
  def balance

  def balance=(balance)
    @balance = balance

leandro =

=> 10

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Ruby is a language that values simplicity and readability, and it makes use of syntactic sugar to achieve this. One example of this is the ability to omit parentheses when calling methods:


# becomes

leandro.balance= 10

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In fact, Ruby goes even further in its quest for readability and simplicity. When calling a method with a suffix of =, we can omit the parentheses and instead add a blank space before the = sign:

leandro.balance= 10

# becomes

leandro.balance = 10

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Pretty cool, isn't it? With this syntax, we can make method calls that look like variable assignments!

class Account
  def initialize
    @balance = 0

  def balance

  def balance=(balance)
    @balance = balance

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👉 attr_reader/writer/accessor
One of the great things about Ruby is that it provides built-in class methods like attr_reader that can help make our code more concise and readable.

In particular, attr_reader works like a getter method for instance variables, allowing us to access their values from outside the class:

def balance

# becomes

attr_reader :balance

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In addition to attr_reader, Ruby also provides attr_writer, which works like a setter method for instance variables:

def balance=(balance)

# becomes

attr_writer :balance

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Together, these two methods can help make our code more concise and easier to read, enabling us to quickly define and manipulate instance variables with ease:

class Account
  attr_reader :balance
  attr_writer :balance

  def initialize
    @balance = 0

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To further simplify the code, we can use attr_accessor when we have both a attr_reader and attr_writer method for the same instance variable:

class Account
  attr_accessor :balance

  def initialize
    @balance = 0

leandro =
leandro.balance = 10

=> 10

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Ruby truly does make programming a joy!

Wrapping Up

In this post, we provided a comprehensive introduction to the Ruby programming language.

We covered a wide range of topics, from the implementation of Ruby and its history to its key features and data types.

Finally, we explored the key concept that everything in Ruby is an object, giving you a solid foundation for understanding the language's core principles.

In future posts, we will continue to explore the key features of Ruby, including scopes, the self context, blocks, lambdas, and much more.

By delving deeper into these topics, I hope to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of Ruby that will enable you to write powerful, effective code with ease.

Stay tuned!


Ruby official website
Wikipedia - Ruby programming language
Wikipedia - Interpreter
MJIT: a method based JIT compiler for Ruby
Ruby implementations
YJIT - building a new JIT compiler for CRuby
YJIT - a basic block versioning JIT compiler for CRuby
Ruby 3.0 release notes

This post was written with the assistance of ChatGPT, which helped to compile information and identify grammar errors and inconsistencies.

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Top comments (7)

caroline profile image

This is a great introductory post!! Great job!! Love the history section :)

leandronsp profile image
Leandro Proença

I’m glad you like it!

ignaciorubio profile image
Ignacio Rubio

I really enjoyed reading this post.
Looking forward to the next post.

Nice job!

dougritter profile image
Douglas Ritter

Excellent introduction, Leandro. Thank you for sharing it 🙏

leandronsp profile image
Leandro Proença

I'm glad you like it, my dear friend

turanmahmudov profile image
Turan Mahmudov

YAIRT - Yet Another Incomplete Ruby Tutorial

leandronsp profile image
Leandro Proença

but it’s not intended to be a Ruby tutorial

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