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Phil Nguyen
Phil Nguyen

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Local SonarQube 7.9.1-Community LTS On Kubernetes


As of this writing, the following versions have been used:

  • SonarQube 7.9.1-community LTS
  • Minikube 1.5.2
  • OSX 10.14.6 Mojave
  • Kubernetes 1.16.2
  • Docker 18.09.9


SonarQube is a static analysis tool where it analyzes your code for bugs and code smells then shows you a nice report. The report includes why the lines chosen are bugs/code smells and what the recommended solution is.

Many coding languages are supported in the 7.9.1-community LTS version. I primarily use it for analyzing my Java code. The Java quality profile I prefer is FindBugs + FB Contrib.

Some of the benefits for having your own instance of SonarQube on your development machine include (but are not limited to)

  • being able to make changes to the quality profiles and gates
  • not using up the static analysis line limit if you're using an enterprise license
  • experimenting with different plugins to find what works for you
  • having a later version than what your enterprise version probably is
  • privatizing all your code smells and bugs so no one ever has to know
  • performing static analysis without making a commit or using up network bandwidth
  • not relying on a small set of admins to make impactful changes to the instance
  • etc


Lets hop into configuration and installation. This article assumes you have a Macbook laptop and Homebrew. Installation instructions are also available in the GitLab repository listed at the very top.

  1. First, you'll need Minikube (local Kubernetes cluster) and sonar-scanner (to perform static analysis)
    • brew install sonar-scanner
    • brew install minikube
  2. Configure Minikube to support the Sonar server and start the cluster (takes a few minutes)
    • minikube config set memory 4096
    • minikube config set cpus 2
    • minikube config set vm-driver hyperkit
    • minikube start
  3. Deploy your instance of SonarQube (will take a few minutes for pods to fully warm up and load SonarQube)
    • kubectl create secret generic postgres-pwd --from-literal=password={some made up password} Remember to change the password. It can be anything you want
    • kubectl create -f sonar-pv-postgres.yml
    • kubectl create -f sonar-pvc-postgres.yml
    • kubectl create -f sonar-postgres-deployment.yml
    • kubectl create -f sonarqube-deployment.yml
    • kubectl create -f sonarqube-service.yml
    • kubectl create -f sonar-postgres-service.yml
  4. Once all the pods are up and running, view your SonarQube instance (this will open a new browser tab with SonarQube). Default username/password is admin/amin
    • minikube service sonar

Perform static analysis


  1. In the root of your Java project, add an empty file. The sonar-scanner service will be looking for this file when performing static analysis.
  2. Paste the following into the newly created file:
sonar.projectKey={name of project} (url from minikube service sonar command)

An example config would look like the following:

  1. Create and copy a new SonarQube token by going to the SonarQube instance in the browser and navigating to
    My Account -> Security tab -> Enter Token Name -> Generate -> Copy token generated

  2. In your .bashrc or .zshrc file, add the following line:

    • export SONAR_TOKEN={SonarQube token that was just copied}
  3. Reload your rc file

    • source ~/.bashrc or source ~/.zshrc
  4. Run sonar-scanner in the project root directory. Once static analysis is finished, you can view the results in your SonarQube instance in the browser.

Useful plugins

  • FindBugs
  • Checkstyle
  • Mutation Analysis

Thanks for reading!

Any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to send me an email at

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