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Fisher-Yates shuffle algorithm with Ruby

The simplest shuffle algorithm, Fisher-Yates, is widely used and easy to implement. I personally used it to create a card game in Sinatra:

# Fisher-Yates Shuffle Algorithm

module FisherYates

  def self.shuffle(numbers)
    n = numbers.length
    while n > 0 
      x = rand(n-=1)
      numbers[x], numbers[n] = numbers[n], numbers[x]
    return numbers

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So let's imagine you want to use it in your Rails app, you could do something like this:

  def initialize(numbers)
    shuffle = FisherYates.shuffle(numbers)
    return shuffle.inspect
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If you want to test this script from shell, add this after FisherYates, and save as shuffle.rb. Add numbers as arguments, or just execute script to shuffle defined numbers from array:

  @numbers = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,12,13,14]

  if ARGV.empty?
    puts FisherYates.shuffle(@numbers).inspect
    puts FisherYates.shuffle(ARGV).inspect
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Without inspect you would get each number in separated line, but with inspect we receive array of numbers printed in terminal.

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