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Collab lab team 24 summary

The Participants

-Camila Parada
-Juan Pablo Rodríguez
-Ana Mafla
-Karen Rodríguez

The Mentors

-Mike Lambert
-Fauricio Valencia
-Lizeth Bañol

On Sunday, May 30, we finished our spring 2021 cohort and we are very happy to see all the effort and commitment of each of our Collabies.

Since we started spring we could see that they were people with advanced technical knowledge, very active and eager to learn from each other. They had an excellent adaptation, communicated assertively and empathetically.
They did everything with a big picture mentality where they thought a lot about things like architecture and state administration. In the end, they were all masters of custom hooks.
PR reviews were a new thing at first, but everyone was quickly adding a lot of value with their ideas.
After we managed to complete the AC project, everyone started learning how to unit test... which is not easy, especially with the task of having to do a mock Firebase.

They did a wonderful job and we are so proud to have been their mentors.

(In this photo Karen Rodríguez is missing, who could not be present at the last team meeting, but we still recognize her valuable contributions).

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