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Megan Lee for LogRocket

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Using CRDTs to build collaborative Rust web applications

Written by Mario Zupan

CRDTs, or conflict-free replicated data types, is a concept that underlies applications facing the issue of data replication across a network. These applications involve multiple actors writing and reading the data, potentially at the same time.

The goal of CRDTs is to make sure that the state of all peers in a system stays consistent at all times, even when they exchange data concurrently. If you are interested in the background and mechanics of CRDTs, I recommend Jake Lazaroff’s article.

In this tutorial, we’ll build a very simple last write wins CRDT, which we’ll leverage to handle communication between multiple clients on a network without conflicts, keeping all peers in a consistent state at all times. Last write wins (LWW) means that for each field in the grid, all peers will keep the value of the peer who last wrote to the field, and if two peers write at the same time, we randomize between them for fairness.

We'll create a simple full-stack web application in Rust, featuring a frontend where clients use an ID to connect to a WebSocket server and input data into a 3x3 grid, with all communication via the WebSocket server.

While it's feasible to develop fully distributed, local-first apps using CRDTs, this example opts for a simpler centralized data-relay mechanism to maintain simplicity. Note that for brevity, error handling and safety checks have been omitted, but in a production setting, data validation and error management would be critical.

With that out of the way, let’s start coding!

Setting up our Rust app

To follow along, all you need is a recent Rust installation (the latest version at the time of writing is 1.75.0).

mkdir rust-crdt-example
cd rust-crdt-example
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Because we’re going to build both a frontend and a backend in this tutorial, we’ll need three Rust projects. First, let’s start with the server project:

cargo new server
cd server
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Next, edit the Cargo.toml file and add the dependencies you'll need:

tokio = { version = "1", features = ["full"] }
tokio-tungstenite = "0.20"
serde_json = "1.0"
futures-util = "0.3"
env_logger = "0.10"
log = "0.4"
common = { version = "0.1.0", path = "../common" }
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We depend on our common package, which we’ll define shortly, in conjunction with tokio and tokio-tungstenite, along with futures-util to build a WebSocket server. Additionally, we’ll use utilities for logging and serde for serialization as we build a simple WebSocket-based relay server.

Next, we’ll create a shared common project:

cargo new --lib common
cd common
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Again, add the dependencies we need. In this package, as it exclusively contains data types, serde is the only requirement:

serde = {version = "1.0", features = ["derive"] }
serde_json = "1.0"
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Finally, we’ll create the client project for our frontend:

cargo new client
cd client
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We also add dependencies and some settings to Cargo.toml:

crate-type = ["cdylib", "rlib"]

codegen-units = 1
lto = true

leptos = { version = "0.5.4", features = ["csr"] }
serde_json = "1.0"
leptos-use = "0.8.2"
common = { version = "0.1.0", path = "../common" }
rand = "0.8.5"
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We use the fantastic Leptos framework for building the frontend. Besides that, we use the leptos-use utilities for connecting to the WebSocket server, serde for serialization, and rand for generating random numbers.

We add the csr flag to Leptos because we’ll only be building a client-side application, without server-side-rendering, which Leptos would also support.

To build our Leptos application using WASM and run it on a local server, we’ll also need to install trunk and the WASM compilation target:

cargo install trunk
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
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Now that we have our project set up, we can start implementing our application!

Shared data types

Let’s start with our shared common package, which holds the fundamental data types used both in the client and server implementation.

The two foundational data types are Client and Event:

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct Client {
    pub name: String,

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub struct Event {
    pub t: String,
    pub data: Value,
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A Client is simply any peer and we send Events between the different peers. Events have a type t and some arbitrary data.

The next relevant type is what makes up our data grid, the Row and Column types:

Row consists of an index and a list of Column objects. Column is a CRDT containing an index, the value in the grid at that index, the name of the peer who last wrote to this field, and a timestamp indicating when the modification occurred. We’ll look at the implementation of the CRDT later when it becomes clear why we need these fields. Finally, we have our concrete events, which make up the arbitrary data within Event, which was mentioned above:

pub const INIT: &str = "INIT";
pub const GRID: &str = "GRID";
pub const CLIENT_LIST: &str = "CLIENT_LIST";

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub struct InitEvent {
    pub name: String,

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub struct ClientListEvent {
    pub clients: Vec<Client>,

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub struct GridEvent {
    pub data: Vec<Row>,
    pub sender: String,
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InitEvent is the event any client sends to the server the first time to register. ClientListEvent is the event the server sends to all clients, so that when a new client is registered, or a client disconnects, everyone has an updated list of clients.

Finally, GridEvent is the data event in this whole mix. If a client changes their data, they send a GridEvent to the server. This event contains their local data grid, as well as their own ID in the sender field, so the server knows who the event is from and doesn’t send it back to them. The server then replicates this event and sends it to all other peers.

That’s it for the basic data types. Now let’s implement the WebSocket relay server.

Implementing the WebSocket server

Again, we start with data types:

type Clients = Arc<RwLock<HashMap<String, WsClient>>>;

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct WsClient {
    pub name: String,
    pub sender: UnboundedSender<String>,
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In this case, Clients represents the list of connected clients. We need to pack this up into an Arc and RwLock, because we’ll access this map of peer names to clients from multiple connections concurrently.

WsClient serves as an abstraction for each connected client, equipped with an UnboundedSender to facilitate message sending to the client.

In the main function, we implement the basic setup for a WebSocket server using tokio-tungstenite:

async fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
    let clients: Clients = Arc::new(RwLock::new(HashMap::new()));
    let _ = env_logger::try_init();

    let listener = TcpListener::bind("")
        .expect("ws socket works");
    info!("WS Listening on:");

    while let Ok((stream, _)) = listener.accept().await {
        tokio::spawn(accept_connection(stream, clients.clone()));

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We first initialize the Clients list, initialize logging, and then start a new WebSockets server on localhost:3000.

Then, for each incoming connection, we spawn a new tokio task, within which we call the accept_connection function, which takes the connection stream and our list of clients.

Let’s look at that one next, as it contains the meat of the server logic:

async fn accept_connection(stream: TcpStream, clients: Clients) {
    let addr = stream
        .expect("connected streams should have a peer address");
    let ws_stream = tokio_tungstenite::accept_async(stream)
        .expect("Error during the websocket handshake occurred");

    info!("new ws connection: {addr}");

    let (mut sender, mut receiver) = ws_stream.split();
    let (tx, mut rx) = unbounded_channel::<String>();
    let client_id: Arc<RwLock<Option<String>>> = Arc::new(RwLock::new(None));

    loop {
        tokio::select! {
            msg = => {
                match msg {
                    Some(msg) => {
                        let msg = msg.expect("msg is there");
                        if msg.is_text() {
                            if let Ok(evt) = serde_json::from_str::<Event>(msg.to_text().expect("msg is text")) {
                                match evt.t.as_str() {
                                    INIT => {
                                        if let Ok(event) = serde_json::from_value::<InitEvent>( {
                                            handle_init(&event, clients.clone(), tx.clone(), client_id.clone()).await;
                                    GRID => {
                                        if let Ok(event) = serde_json::from_value::<GridEvent>( {
                                            handle_change(&event, clients.clone()).await;
                                    event_type => {
                                        warn!("unknown event: {event_type}");
                        } else if msg.is_close() {
                            handle_close(clients.clone(), client_id.clone(), addr).await;
                    None => break,
            Some(ev) = rx.recv() => {
                sender.send(Message::Text(ev.to_owned())).await.expect("msg was sent");
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OK, that’s a lot, so let’s go through it step by step. First, we cache the incoming address and accept the incoming connection. As previously mentioned, this process does not include error handling.

Then we split up the WebSockets stream into a sender and receiver piece, and create a new UnboundedChannel so we can pass messages from functions that handle incoming messages to the sender part of the stream.

Finally, we cache client_id so we know, within each connection, which peer the connection is for. Again, we have to use Arc and RwLock here, as we access this concurrently.

Then we enter an infinite loop, where we use the tokio::select! macro to handle values from two different futures: receiver and rx. The receiver future is the stream of incoming WebSocket events and the rx future is the receiving end of the UnboundedChannel we created above, which we use to pass messages.

Whenever a new message on rx comes along, we simply wrap it into a WebSocket Message and send it via the WebSocket stream’s sender end.

If, however, we receive a value on the receiver stream, it indicates that an event has come from our client. In that case, we need to handle the different event types we defined earlier. We can achieve this by parsing the event to an Event, making sure it’s a text event using msg.is_text(). If the event type is INIT and the event’s data is parsed to an InitEvent, we call the handle_init function:

async fn handle_init(
    ev: &InitEvent,
    clients: Clients,
    sender: UnboundedSender<String>,
    client_id: Arc<RwLock<Option<String>>>,
) {
    let name =;
    *client_id.write().await = Some(name.clone()); // remember the client's ID

    // add to the client list
        WsClient {
            sender: sender.clone(),

    // send updated list to all clients
    let serialized = serde_json::to_string(&Event {
        t: CLIENT_LIST.to_string(),
        data: serde_json::to_value(ClientListEvent {
            clients: clients
                .map(|c| Client { name: })
        .expect("can serialize clients list"),
    .expect("can serialize client list event");|client| {
        let _ = client.1.sender.send(serialized.clone());
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This function saves the value of name in the incoming event to the client_id we’re caching and then updates the client list to include the newly registered peer.

To ensure that every client always has an up-to-date list of clients, we distribute the refreshed client list to all peers. This is done by serializing a new ClientListEvent within an Event, containing the updated list, and then dispatching it through the sender component of the UnboundedChannel. As previously mentioned, each WsClient retains this sender for communication purposes.

If the incoming event is of type GRID, we call the handle_change function:

async fn handle_change(ev: &GridEvent, clients: Clients) {
    // send updated grid to all clients, except the sender
    let d =;
    let client_msg_event = Event {
        t: GRID.to_string(),
        data: serde_json::to_value(GridEvent {
            data: d.clone(),
            sender: ev.sender.clone(),
        .expect("can serialize GRID event"),

    let serialized =
        serde_json::to_string(&client_msg_event).expect("can serialize client GRID event");|client| {
        if client.0 != &ev.sender {
            let _ = client.1.sender.send(serialized.clone());
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This function simply takes the incoming event and multiplexes it to all connected clients except for the event’s sender. This is the mechanism by which changes in the data grid get propagated between peers.

If the event isn’t of a known type, we ignore it and log a warning. If the event is a close event, we call the handle_close function:

async fn handle_close(
    clients: Clients,
    client_id: Arc<RwLock<Option<String>>>,
    addr: std::net::SocketAddr,
) {
    if let Some(ref ci) = * {
        clients.as_ref().write().await.remove(ci); // remove client from list

        // send new list to all clients
        let serialized = serde_json::to_string(&Event {
            t: CLIENT_LIST.to_string(),
            data: serde_json::to_value(ClientListEvent {
                clients: clients
                    .map(|c| Client { name: })
            .expect("can serialize clients list"),
        .expect("can serialize client list event");|client| {
            let _ = client.1.sender.send(serialized.clone());
        info!("disconnected: {:?} at {addr}", ci);
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Similar to handle_init, this function just updates the client list, removing the disconnected client and sending the updated list to all connected clients.

That’s it for the server part of this application. Now that we have a better understanding of the various events that occur and their outcomes, let's examine the implementation on the client side.

Leptos client with CRDT logic

We’re going to use Leptos to build the client side of this application.

For additional setup, in, we need to mount the application:

use leptos::*;
use rust_crdt_example::App;

fn main() {
    mount_to_body(|| view! { <App />})
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The actual implementation of the client logic is found in We also need an index.html file, which, in our case, consists of a basic HTML skeleton and some styles, which you can check out in the GitHub repository.

Again, we start with a type for our client implementation:

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct ChangeEvent {
    pub row: usize,
    pub column: usize,
    pub value: String,
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This is a simple helper type we’ll use for communicating a change that was made in the UI to our Leptos effect, which will update our local data and send an event to the other clients via the WebSocket server.

In the App component, let’s first set up the signals we’ll use, as well as the WebSocket connection using the use_websocket helper from leptos-use:

pub fn App() -> impl IntoView {
    let UseWebsocketReturn { message, send, .. } = use_websocket("ws://localhost:3000/");

    let (clients, set_clients) = create_signal(vec![]);
    let (data_change, set_data_change) = create_signal::<Option<ChangeEvent>>(None);
    let (data, set_data) = create_signal(init_data());
    let (name, set_name) = create_signal(String::default());
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The init_data helper simply creates an empty, default, 3x3 grid of Row and Column. The clients list is where we’ll store the client list that we get sent by the server, and data_change is the signal we’ll use to communicate from our data grid to the Leptos effect, which will update the data. The name signal is simply the peer’s name, which we’ll set once the peer connects to the server.

Our UI consists of three components:

  • Connect: For connecting to the server, setting our peer ID
  • Clients: For displaying the client list
  • Grid: For displaying and interacting with the data grid

This makes the view of our App component quite simple:

    view! {
        <div class="app">
            <div class="container">
                <span class="hidden">{move || data_change.get().is_some()}</span>
                <Connect send={send} set_name={set_name}/>
                <Clients clients={clients}/>
                <Grid data={data} set_data_change={set_data_change}/>
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The send function that’s passed to Connect is from the use_websocket helper above and is the utility function we use for sending WebSocket events to the server.

Let’s look at Connect first:

pub fn Connect<F>(send: F, set_name: WriteSignal<String>) -> impl IntoView
    F: Fn(&str) + Clone + 'static,
    let (connected, set_connected) = create_signal(false);
    let name_input: NodeRef<Input> = create_node_ref();

    let submit_handler = move |ev: SubmitEvent| {

        let name = name_input.get().expect("input exists").value();
            r#"{{"t": "INIT","data": {{ "name": "{}" }} }}"#,
        set_connected.update(|c| *c = true);
        set_name.update(|n| *n = name);

    view! {
        <div class="connect">
            <div class="connect-name">
                <form on:submit=submit_handler>
                    <span><input type="text" name="name" node_ref=name_input disabled=move|| connected.get()/></span>
                    <span><input type="submit" disabled=move || connected.get() value="connect"/></span>
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The Connect component holds some internal state in the form of the connected signal, which makes it so that once connected, we cannot submit the form again. Then, we define a submit_handler, which creates the INIT event using string concatenation, sets connected, and sends the event to the WebSocket server.

The UI simply consists of a little form, which is disabled if the peer is connected.

Next, let’s look at the Clients component:

pub fn Clients(clients: ReadSignal<Vec<String>>) -> impl IntoView {
    view! {
        <div class="clients">
            <ul class="clients-list">
                    each=move || clients.get()
                    key=|state| state.clone()
                    children=|child| view! { <li>{child}</li>}
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This component simply gets the clients passed to it and displays them in an unordered list. We’ll see later on how and when clients is updated. This happens within an effect higher up.

Finally, let’s check out the Grid component:

fn Grid(
    data: ReadSignal<Vec<Row>>,
    set_data_change: WriteSignal<Option<ChangeEvent>>,
) -> impl IntoView {
    view! {
        <div class="grid-container">
            <div class="grid">
                <For each=move || data.get()
                 key=|r| r.idx
                 children=move |row| view! {
                     <div class="row">
                         <For each=move || row.columns.clone()
                              key=move |c| format!("{}{}", row.idx, c.idx)
                              children=move |col| view! {
                                  <input type="text" on:input=move |ev| {
                                      set_data_change.update(|dc| *dc = Some(ChangeEvent { row: row.idx, column: col.idx, value: event_target_value(&ev) }));
                                  prop:value=move || data.get()[row.idx].columns[col.idx].value.clone()/>
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In this component, we render a nested list of Row and Column from the data signal. We make sure we have unique keys, so Leptos knows to change only the minimal set of DOM nodes for each change.

Within each Column, there is an input field that holds the current value of the Column. Its on:input event handler updates data_change with a ChangeEvent containing the row, column, and new value. This event is then passed to the mechanism responsible for altering our data and transmitting it to the server, which we will explore next.

The main logic of WebSocket event handling and updating data with the aforementioned CRDT logic happens in two effects within the App component. The first effect listens for changes in data_change and updates the local data based on it, sending a WebSocket event to the server with the updated data:

let cloned_send = send.clone();
create_effect(move |_| {
    if let Some(change) = data_change.get() {
        set_data_change.update(|dc| *dc = None);
        set_data.update(|d| {
            let old = &d[change.row].columns[change.column];
            let new = Column {
                idx: old.idx,
                peer: name.get(),
                value: change.value,
                timestamp: old.timestamp + 1,
            d[change.row].columns[change.column] = new;
        let d = data.get();

        let data_event = serde_json::to_value(GridEvent {
            data: d,
            sender: name.get(),
        .expect("can serialize change event");
        let serialized = serde_json::to_string(&Event {
            t: GRID.to_owned(),
            data: data_event,
        .expect("can be serialized");

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We need to clone send, because we use it further down in the Connect component and otherwise it would be captured by the move closure.

Within the effect, we check if data_change is set and if so, immediately set it back to None, so we avoid unintended changes to immediately bounce out our changes again. Then, we update our local data using the ChangeEvent sent from within Grid.

Now, here’s the first part of the CRDT logic. We set peer to ourselves, change the value, and increment the timestamp.

This timestamp value is simply a usize, which counts up. For example, this means that if several peers share a value at Row: 0, Column: 1 with a timestamp of 3 and we update it locally to 4, any client with a lower timestamp will recognize it as a new value and can safely override it. We will delve into this further in the merging logic upon receiving an incoming event shortly.

Once we update our local data, we serialize it into a GridEvent and send it to the WebSocket server so it can be propagated to all the other connected peers.

In the second effect, we implement the logic needed for handling incoming WebSocket events:

create_effect(move |_| {
    let m = message.get();
    if let Some(msg) = m.clone() {
        if let Ok(evt) = serde_json::from_str::(&msg) {
            if evt.t == CLIENT_LIST {
                if let Ok(cl) = serde_json::from_value::( {
                    set_clients.update(|c| {
                        *c = cl
            } else if evt.t == GRID {
                if let Ok(m) = serde_json::from_value::( {
                    // simple last-write-wins CRDT merge logic
                    set_data.update(|d| {
                        for i in 0..d.len() {
                            for j in 0..d[i].columns.len() {
                                let local = &d[i].columns[j];
                                let remote = &[i].columns[j];

                                if local.timestamp > remote.timestamp {
                                    continue; // local version is newer - nothing to update

                                if local.timestamp == remote.timestamp && random() {
                                    continue; // timestamps are the same, use one at random

                                // overwrite local with remote
                                d[i].columns[j] =[i].columns[j].clone();

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We use the message signal from the use_websocket helper, which changes any time we get a new message on the open WebSocket connection.

Following a similar approach to the server implementation, we parse the message into an Event. Depending on the event type, we attempt to parse it to either a CLIENT_LIST or GRID event.

In the CLIENT_LIST case, we parse the event’s data to a ClientListEvent and set our local clients signal to the incoming value. This is the mechanism to update the local client list that was mentioned above.

If the incoming event is of type GRID, we parse to a GridEvent and implement the CRDT merge logic for incoming messages.

For each field in the data grid, we check if the local timestamp value is greater than the remote one and if so, we don’t need to update the field, as our local copy is more current than the remote one.

If the timestamp for both local and remote peers is the same, which can happen if both send a change and because of a network delay, they both had an old state and updated to the same timestamp. In this case, we use random() to randomize between the two values. With a 50% probability, we do nothing, and with the remaining 50% chance, we update the local value to match the remote value.

In any other case, such as if the remote timestamp is greater than the local one, we update the local field value in our data grid. And because this logic is implemented in the same way on all clients, all clients should converge to the same state without any conflicts, which is what this CRDT gives us.

That’s it for the client implementation. Next, let’s see if it works.


We can run the server using cargo run and the client using trunk serve --open, which will open a browser window with We can open two more browser windows with that address, so we can simulate three different clients.

First, we connect with two clients. With the first client, we set a value at position 0:0, and observe that the second client immediately receives this value: Initial State With Two Connected Clients And A Value In 0:0 Then, we set a value with the second client in 1:1, observing that the first client also gets the value: Adding A Value For The Second Client in 1:1, Seeing That It’s Propagated Correctly To The First Client Then, we connect to the third client and we see that the client list is updated: Third Client Connects, Updated Client List If the third client writes one character in 0:0 and one character in 1:1, nothing happens for the other clients because the local timestamp of the third client is lower than the timestamps of the first and second clients.

Also, because the first and second clients haven’t sent their data to the third client yet, because no change has been made by them, the third client doesn’t have their data yet: Client 3 Writes Data In 0:0 And 1:1, But It Doesn’t Get Propagated However, if the second client now adds values in 1:1, these changes are propagated to both the first and third client, as well as the change in 0:0 to the third client, because the timestamp of this value in the second client’s data is higher than in the third client’s: Client 2 Overrides Client 3’s Data Because Of Higher Timestamps However, if the third client writes in 2:2, where the first and second clients don’t have a value, and hence no timestamp yet, the data is propagated to both of them and all three clients have a consistent state: Client 3 Changes 2:2 And It Propagates To All Peers, Because It Has The Highest Timestamp Value It works very nicely! Find the full code on GitHub.


This was a fun little example application to build, which showed how easy it has become to build a full-stack web application in Rust with the mature libraries, which are available now.

Also, we looked at how to hand-roll a simple CRDT, which can be used to make sure data replicated between several peers stays consistent.

If you plan to build production-grade CRDT-based software and don’t want to build every piece of it by hand, I recommend Automerge as a library for handling all your CRDT needs, but it’s always good to look under the hood to build intuition and understanding for the underlying concepts.

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