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Fun Things You Can Do With 😎

Jonathan Carter on August 28, 2021

GitHub recently released, which allows you to press . on any repo in order to open it in VS Code, directly from your browser (🀯). This s...
yinon profile image
Yinon Oved β€’

if CodeSwing would have access to the repo it's opened in, it would be a game changer for private/internal repos. internal / private repos often lack the possibility to present some code and output quickly

lostintangent profile image
Jonathan Carter β€’

It does! When you open a repo in, it has access to private repos. And CodeSwing simply operates on the files within the workspace, and so would work perfectly in that mode as well πŸ‘

yinon profile image
Yinon Oved β€’

that's great, is there any chance would allow terminal or installation of dependencies? that kind of go hand in hand

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mananchawla2005 profile image
Manan Chawla β€’

For that u have codespaces :)

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yinon profile image
Yinon Oved β€’

Yeap. Waiting for access 😁

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mananchawla2005 profile image
Manan Chawla β€’

yea u would like it!! It has become a part of my life now lol. It so awesome and so well integrated. I just hope we continue to have its free access as individuals. or atleast pro members.

nosthrillz profile image
Ilie Bogdan β€’

Awesome! Thanks for collecting these

periurium profile image
Tristan β€’

I never knew this was even a thing!

Seeing this now is crazy, I was hosting my own Code-server instance for a while but seeing this now might have me change that a bit. Thank you for sharing!

Also these additions make this seem absolutely amazing

incrementis profile image
Akin C. β€’

Hello Jonathan Carter,

thank you for your article.
It was fun to read and I learned a lot about "".
I like how your article gives an overview of the possibilities and I'm glad because if the need for such a tool arises, I will remember this article :)!

adriangoe profile image
Adrian GΓΆrisch β€’

The most interetsing thing i saw was running jetbrains IDEs with porjector over codespace.

creayt profile image
David M. β€’

Amazing article! Thanks so much

tanwi2209 profile image
Tanwi Kumari β€’ β€’ Edited

if i am selecting some text in the currently php language opened file, and press ., then when VS Code is opened, it is not focus that file and don't highlight the same text selection.
this is not supporting all languages?

mosenturm profile image
Andreas Kaiser β€’

Great article! Thanks!

casperbraske profile image
Luis β€’

Now this is huge! Great article.

lucis profile image
Lucis β€’

Very nice article!

(Just letting you know that there's a typo in the CodeTour link)

lostintangent profile image
Jonathan Carter β€’

Fixed! Thanks so much for the heads up πŸ‘

yonycalsin profile image
Yony Calsin β€’

Impressive ! Thanks πŸ‘ πŸŽ‰

aspiiire profile image
Aspiiire β€’


justblender profile image
Artyom Titov β€’

Don't forget to mention that it's now easier than ever to work on the go with a tablet!

lostintangent profile image
Jonathan Carter β€’

Good point! I added a quick mention of that to the intro paragraph πŸ‘

ashkanmohammadi profile image
Amohammadi2 β€’

WTF man! That's incredibly awesome

adityakrcodes profile image
Aditya Kumar β€’

Greatly elaborated πŸ”₯

gopkumr profile image
gopkumr β€’

Awesome... It feels unreal, especially editing on the fly from a tablet, it's is so exciting.
Is so true that the best is yet to come.

itskarelleh profile image
Karelle Hofler β€’

OMG that's amazing! Thanks for the amazing article

krishnaagarwal profile image
Krishna Agarwal β€’
