Dive into the world of data-driven YouTube channel insights with YTStatsAnalyzerGo, an open-source YouTube Channel Statistics Analyzer crafted in Go. Uncover the power of the YouTube Data API v3 as we journey into fetching channel statistics and analyzing top videos based on views, likes, and comments.
Getting Started:
Before embarking on your data exploration with YTStatsAnalyzerGo, make sure you have Go installed on your machine. Additionally, secure a Google Cloud API key for YouTube Data API v3.
- Clone the Repository:
git clone
cd YTStatsAnalyzerGo
- Add Your API Key:
Insert your Google Cloud API key into the 'apiKey' constant in 'main.go':
const apiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY"
- Run the Application:
go run main.go
- Fetching Channel Statistics: Run the command to fetch and display channel statistics for a specified channel:
go run main.go
Analyzing Top Videos:
Analyze top videos based on views, likes, and comments. Results can be printed to the console or saved to a CSV file.
Examples:Analyzing most viewed videos:
go run main.go -top=views -count=10
- Analyzing least viewed videos:
go run main.go -top=views -count=10 -asc
- Saving to CSV: Save results to a CSV file using the '-csv' flag:
go run main.go -top=likes -count=5 -csv=output.csv
- Modifying Output: Customize the output format by tweaking the 'getTopVideosCSV' function in 'main.go'.
Example: Changing CSV Format:
Modify the CSV format by updating the 'getTopVideosCSV' function. For instance:
i+1, video.Snippet.Title, video.Statistics.ViewCount, video.Statistics.LikeCount, video.Statistics.CommentCount))
Contributions are more than welcome! Feel free to fork the repository and submit a pull request, as we collectively enhance YTStatsAnalyzerGo.
Embark on Your Data Odyssey:
Explore, analyze, and elevate your understanding of YouTube channel dynamics with YTStatsAnalyzerGo. Let's unravel the secrets hidden in data and empower content creators!
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