DEV Community

Todd Walton
Todd Walton

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New Laptop

I convinced my employer to buy me a new souped up laptop. It finally arrived last week and I've been setting it up. I went from an Intel Core i5 2.3GHz 2 core processor to a Core i7 1.8GHz 4 core processor, from 16GiB of memory to 32, and 64/64/522 KiB of CPU cache to 256/1024/8192 KiB. I really needed the memory, and the extra CPU is nice. I was not, however, expecting such a jump in the CPU caches. Holy cow. But I'll take it.

I was running RHEL 7 before, because we run CentOS at work and it was convenient, but I wanted to break out a little so I went with Fedora Workstation. Last time I ran Fedora was... 2006 or so? I didn't like it, and I ended up running Gentoo instead. But Fedora has come a long way and is really slick now. The biggest plus for me will be the greater availability of packages in the repos. I didn't mind RHEL at first because I don't need much beyond vim and the common utilities that come with any desktop Linux distro. But I'll admit that it's nice to have some of those things that make life easier at the ready with a 'dnf install', including some tools that I was manually building on my own, or downloading binaries for.

Here's my setup routine:

  1. Install OS
  2. Run 'dnf update', first thing
  3. Enable extra repos:
dnf install$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm
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  1. Install from dnf stuff that's in the repos
dnf groupupdate core multimedia sound-and-video
dnf install gnome-tweak-tool gnome-extensions-app gnome-tweaks
dnf install
dnf install tlp tlp-rdw # Never heard of this before last week!
dnf install tree htop parallel whois ascii tmpwatch help2man pcre-tools fping dos2unix fuse-sshfs xsel socat nmap nmap-ncat ncrack rpmdevtools sysstat strace fatrace ltrace # Some essentials
dnf install podman buildah skopeo podman-compose podman-docker # Container stuff
dnf install vlc vlc-extras gramps gparted lastpass-cli lynis openldap-clients
dnf install mosh tmux tmux-powerline starship mediainfo ffmpeg rdfind fdupes
dnf install pass pass-otp oathtool jq task rclone rclone-browser jc tidy direnv subversion remmina # Stuff I'd have gotten elsewhere before
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  1. Install from flatpak what's there
flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub
flatpak install flathub chat.rocket.RocketChat org.signal.Signal com.discordapp.Discord com.notepadqq.Notepadqq
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  1. Manually install some other stuff: Zettlr, Bitwarden, powershell,, hostess, httpie, legit
  2. Customize Gnome theme, settings, behaviors, etc
  3. Wrestle with openvpn because NetworkManager still doesn't properly do what I need it to do
  4. Copy over a bunch of files from the old laptop
  5. Get back to work!

With respect to Python development, I've used pipenv for a long time for installing pypi packages. I might give poetry a try, though, to at least be familiar with it.

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