DEV Community

Luc Gagan
Luc Gagan

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I developed an obsession! Here, I said it.

For the last 3 months, I've been spending every afternoon building DevTools. It started with utilities that I use for testing. Then I needed something simple to migrate from Cypress to Playwright. Then I was learning Regex, etc. In total it now features 85 tools.

All tools are ad free and free to use. No catch. I just wanted to build something that others would use.

Here is the current list:

  • ASCII to Hex Converter – An ASCII to Hex tool converts ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) text, which represents characters, into hexadecimal format, which is a base-16 number system commonly used in computing and digital systems.
  • Base64 Decoder – A Base64 text decoder tool converts Base64 text into its original form, allowing for the decoding of binary data that has been encoded using Base64.
  • Base64 Encoder – A Base64 text encoder tool converts text into Base64, a group of binary-to-text encoding schemes that represent binary data in an ASCII string format by translating it into a radix-64 representation.
  • Base64URL Decoder – A Base64URL text decoder tool converts Base64URL text into its original form, allowing for the decoding of binary data that has been encoded using Base64URL.
  • Base64URL Encoder – A Base64URL text encoder tool converts text into Base64URL, a variant of Base64 that uses URL and filename safe alphabet, allowing for the encoding of binary data into a URL-friendly format.
  • Bash Command Formatter – A Bash command formatter tool takes in a Bash command and formats it, applying proper indentation, line breaks, and formatting to make it more readable and structured.
  • Byte Pair (BPE) Decoder – A byte pair decoder tool decodes text that has been encoded using byte pair encoding (BPE), a data compression technique that replaces the most frequently occurring character pairs with a single, unused character, reducing the size of the data. It is used by a lot of Transformer models, including GPT, GPT-2, RoBERTa, BART, and DeBERTa.
  • Byte Pair (BPE) Encoder – A byte pair encoder tool encodes text using byte pair encoding (BPE), a data compression technique that replaces the most frequently occurring character pairs with a single, unused character, reducing the size of the data. It is used by a lot of Transformer models, including GPT, GPT-2, RoBERTa, BART, and DeBERTa.
  • Color Converter – A color converter tool converts colors between different color spaces, such as RGB (Red, Green, Blue), CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black), and HEX (Hexadecimal).
  • Cron Expression Generator – A cron expression generator tool takes in custom instructions and generates a cron expression, which is a string that represents a set of times, allowing for the scheduling of tasks to be run at specific times.
  • Cron Expression Parser – A cron expression parser tool parses a cron expression into a human-readable description, allowing for easy understanding and analysis of the cron expression.
  • CSS Formatter – Takes a CSS string and applies proper indentation, line breaks, and formatting to make it more readable and structured.
  • CSV to JSON Converter – A CSV to JSON tool converts CSV (Comma-Separated Values) formatted data into JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format, allowing for interoperability and compatibility between the two data representations.
  • CSV to XML Converter – A CSV to XML tool converts CSV (Comma-Separated Values) formatted data into XML (Extensible Markup Language) format, allowing for interoperability and compatibility between the two data representations.
  • CSV to YAML Converter – A CSV to YAML tool converts CSV (Comma-Separated Values) formatted data into YAML (YAML Ain't Markup Language) format, allowing for interoperability and compatibility between the two data representations.
  • cURL Command Builder – A cURL builder tool takes in custom YAML instructions and generates a cURL (Client URL) command, which is a command-line tool that allows for the transfer of data using various protocols, such as HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, FTPS, and SFTP.
  • cURL to Fetch Converter – A cURL to Fetch tool converts cURL (Client URL) commands into Fetch commands, allowing for easy migration from cURL to Fetch.
  • Cypress to Playwright Converter – A Cypress to Playwright tool converts Cypress code into Playwright code, allowing for easy migration from Cypress to Playwright.
  • Date Parser – A natural language date parser tool parses a date string into various canonical expressions of date, allowing for easy manipulation and analysis of the date.
  • File Size Converter – A file size converter tool converts file sizes between different units, such as bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, and terabytes, allowing for easy transformation of file sizes to suit different use cases.
  • Glob to Regex Converter – A glob to regex tool converts a glob pattern into a regular expression, allowing for easy transformation of glob patterns into regular expressions.
  • GraphQL Formatter – Takes a GraphQL string and applies proper indentation, line breaks, and formatting to make it more readable and structured.
  • Hash Generator – A hash generator tool takes in a string of characters and outputs a hash value, which is a fixed-length alphanumeric string that uniquely identifies the input data.
  • Hash Identifier – A hash identifier tool takes in a hash value and identifies the type of hash, such as MD5, SHA-1, or SHA-256.
  • Hex to ASCII Converter – A Hex to ASCII tool converts hexadecimal (a base-16 number system) into ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) text, allowing the representation of hexadecimal numbers as readable characters.
  • HTML Entity Decoder – HTML entity decoder tool converts HTML entities back into their corresponding characters, ensuring the proper display and interpretation of special characters and symbols in HTML code.
  • HTML Entity Encoder – HTML entity encoder tool converts special characters and symbols in HTML code into their corresponding HTML entities, ensuring proper rendering and preventing parsing issues.
  • HTML Formatter – Takes an HTML string and applies proper indentation, line breaks, and formatting to make it more readable and structured.
  • HTML to Markdown Converter – An HTML to Markdown tool converts HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) formatted text into Markdown, a lightweight markup language that uses plain text formatting syntax to convert to HTML.
  • IDN Decoder – An IDN decoder tool converts IDN (Internationalized Domain Name) text into its Unicode representation, allowing for the decoding of Punycode into Unicode characters.
  • IDN Encoder – An IDN encoder tool converts IDN (Internationalized Domain Name) text into its Punycode representation , allowing for the encoding of Unicode characters into ASCII characters.
  • JavaScript Formatter – Takes a JavaScript string and applies proper indentation, line breaks, and formatting to make it more readable and structured.
  • JSON Diff Analyzer – A JSON diff analyzer tool compares two JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) objects and highlights the differences between them, allowing for easy comparison and analysis of the two objects.
  • JSON Formatter – Takes a JSON string and applies proper indentation, line breaks, and formatting to make it more readable and structured.
  • JSON Minifier – Reduces the size of a JSON file by removing unnecessary white spaces, line breaks, and comments, optimizing it for faster transmission and improved efficiency.
  • JSON Schema to TypeScript Converter – A JSON Schema to TypeScript tool converts JSON Schema (JavaScript Object Notation Schema) into TypeScript, a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript.
  • JSON to CSV Converter – A JSON to CSV tool converts JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) formatted data into CSV (Comma-Separated Values) format, allowing for interoperability and compatibility between the two data representations.
  • JSON to JSON Schema Converter – A JSON to JSON Schema tool converts JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) data into a JSON schema, which is a vocabulary that allows you to annotate and validate JSON documents.
  • JSON to TOML Converter – A JSON to TOML tool converts JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) formatted data into TOML (Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language) format, enabling easy transformation and representation of JSON data in a more human-readable and structured TOML syntax.
  • JSON to TypeScript Converter – A JSON to TypeScript tool converts JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) into TypeScript, a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript.
  • JSON to XML Converter – A JSON to XML tool converts JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) formatted data into XML (Extensible Markup Language) format, enabling easy transformation and representation of JSON data in a more human-readable and structured XML syntax.
  • JSON to YAML Converter – A JSON to YAML tool converts JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) formatted data into YAML (YAML Ain't Markup Language) format, enabling easy transformation and representation of JSON data in a more human-readable and structured YAML syntax.
  • JSON Viewer – A JSON viewer tool takes in a JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) string and displays it in a tree-like structure, allowing for easy visualization and navigation of the data.
  • Line Deduplicator – A line deduplicator tool processes a list of lines and removes any duplicates, leaving only unique lines, which can help in data cleaning and information management.
  • Line Sorter – A line sorter tool takes in a list of lines as input and rearranges them into a specified order, such as alphabetical or numerical, aiding in the organization and analysis of data.
  • Markdown Previewer – A Markdown previewer tool takes in a Markdown string and displays how it would render, allowing for easy visualization and navigation of the data.
  • Markdown to HTML Converter – A Markdown to HTML tool converts Markdown formatted text into HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), a markup language that uses tags to structure and format web pages.
  • Playwright to Cypress Converter – A Playwright to Cypress tool converts Playwright code into Cypress code, allowing for easy migration from Playwright to Cypress.
  • Query String Parser – A query string parser tool parses a query string into a JavaScript object, allowing for easy manipulation and analysis of the query string.
  • Random Credit Card Generator – A random credit card generator tool generates a random credit card number, expiration date, and CVV, which can be used for testing and data generation purposes.
  • Random IP Address Generator – A random IP address generator tool generates a random IP address, which can be used for testing and data generation purposes.
  • Random MAC Address Generator – A random MAC address generator tool generates a random MAC address, which can be used for testing and data generation purposes.
  • Random Mailing Address Generator – A random address generator tool generates a random address, which can be used for testing and data generation purposes.
  • Random Person Generator – A random person generator tool generates a random person's name, age, email, address, interests, and other information, which can be used for testing and data generation purposes.
  • Regular Expression Optimizer – A regular expression optimizer tool optimizes a regular expression by removing unnecessary characters and expressions, allowing for the creation of more efficient regular expressions.
  • Regular Expression Tester – A regular expression tester tool takes in a regular expression and tests it against a string, allowing for easy testing and debugging of regular expressions.
  • SAML Decoder – A SAML decoder tool decodes SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) formatted data, which is an XML-based open standard for exchanging authentication and authorization data between parties, allowing for the interpretation of SAML messages.
  • SQL Formatter – Takes a SQL query and applies proper indentation, line breaks, and formatting to make it more readable and structured.
  • String Analyzer – A string inspector tool analyzes a string of text and provides information about its length, character count, word count, sentence count, and line count, aiding in the processing and management of text data.
  • String Case Converter – A string case converter tool converts text between different cases, such as camelCase, PascalCase, snake_case, and kebab-case, allowing for easy transformation of text to suit different naming conventions.
  • SVG to JSX Converter – An SVG to JSX tool converts SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) formatted data into JSX (JavaScript XML) format, enabling easy transformation and representation of SVG data in a more human-readable and structured JSX syntax.
  • Text Diff Analyzer – A text diff analyzer tool compares two pieces of text and highlights the differences between them, allowing for easy comparison and analysis of the two texts.
  • TOML to JSON Converter – A TOML to JSON tool converts TOML (Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language) formatted data into JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format, enabling easy transformation and representation of TOML data in a more human-readable and structured JSON syntax.
  • TOML to XML Converter – A TOML to XML tool converts TOML (Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language) formatted data into XML (Extensible Markup Language) format, enabling easy transformation and representation of TOML data in a more human-readable and structured XML syntax.
  • TOML to YAML Converter – A TOML to YAML tool converts TOML (Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language) formatted data into YAML (YAML Ain't Markup Language) format, enabling easy transformation and representation of TOML data in a more human-readable and structured YAML syntax.
  • TypeScript to JavaScript Converter – A TypeScript to JavaScript tool converts TypeScript, a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript, into JavaScript.
  • Unit Converter – A unit converter tool converts units between different systems of measurement, such as converting miles to kilometers or converting pounds to kilograms.
  • URL Extractor – A URL extractor tool extracts URLs (Uniform Resource Locators) from a string of text, allowing for easy extraction and analysis of URLs.
  • URL Parser – A URL parser tool parses a URL (Uniform Resource Locator) into its component parts, such as the protocol, host, port, path, query parameters, and fragment, allowing for easy manipulation and analysis of the URL.
  • UUID Decoder – A UUID decoder tool converts UUIDs (Universally Unique Identifiers) into their component parts, allowing for easy analysis and manipulation of the UUID.
  • UUID Generator – A UUID generator tool generates a universally unique identifier (UUID), a 128-bit number used to identify information in computer systems, ensuring uniqueness across space and time.
  • UUID Validator – A UUID validator tool validates a UUID (Universally Unique Identifier), which is a 128-bit number used to uniquely identify information in computer systems.
  • XML Formatter – Takes an XML string and applies proper indentation, line breaks, and formatting to make it more readable and structured.
  • XML to CSV Converter – An XML to CSV tool converts XML (Extensible Markup Language) formatted data into CSV (Comma-Separated Values) format, allowing for interoperability and compatibility between the two data representations.
  • XML to JSON Converter – An XML to JSON tool converts XML (Extensible Markup Language) formatted data into JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format, enabling easy transformation and representation of XML data in a more human-readable and structured JSON syntax.
  • XML to TOML Converter – An XML to TOML tool converts XML (Extensible Markup Language) formatted data into TOML (Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language) format, enabling easy transformation and representation of XML data in a more human-readable and structured TOML syntax.
  • XML to YAML Converter – An XML to YAML tool converts XML (Extensible Markup Language) formatted data into YAML (YAML Ain't Markup Language) format, enabling easy transformation and representation of XML data in a more human-readable and structured YAML syntax.
  • YAML Formatter – Takes a YAML string and applies proper indentation, line breaks, and formatting to make it more readable and structured.
  • YAML to CSV Converter – A YAML to CSV tool converts YAML (YAML Ain't Markup Language) formatted data into CSV (Comma-Separated Values) format, allowing for interoperability and compatibility between the two data representations.
  • YAML to JSON Converter – A YAML to JSON tool converts YAML (YAML Ain't Markup Language) formatted data into JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format, allowing for interoperability and compatibility between the two data representations.
  • YAML to TOML Converter – A YAML to TOML tool converts YAML (YAML Ain't Markup Language) formatted data into TOML (Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language) format, enabling easy transformation and representation of YAML data in a more human-readable and structured TOML syntax.
  • YAML to XML Converter – A YAML to XML tool converts YAML (YAML Ain't Markup Language) formatted data into XML (Extensible Markup Language) format, enabling easy transformation and representation of YAML data in a more human-readable and structured XML syntax.

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